
Vriski's Evolution (2)

Truly, Eldrian wasn't sure what to do about the situation. Still, even with his hopes for an easy answer dashed, it wasn't like he had lost anything. 

Sure, it had cost him plenty of funds and time to make the Magic Crystal. But Eldrian didn't mind it going to Vriski without immediate returns. After all, Vriski was simply too cute. 

He was an adorable pup which Eldrian and all his friends were extremely fond of. Having the pup be stronger, if even just slightly—and this evolution had brought more than a slight increase in strength—was most welcome. 

Wanting to test how much strength Vriski had gotten, Eldrian suggested they go and play outside. Much to Vriski's excitement. 


Eldrian stood, confused and stunned. Vriski had darted for the gate as fast as a lightning bolt. Causing more than a few passersby to stumble from the gale that followed the pup.