
Vivian's growth (1)

"What happened?" Ceph asked as soon as Eldrian recovered from the headache he had. Having tried to spry into his changing environment as he exited the voidstone—instead of simply letting everything blur. 

"Seems voidstones have a pocket dimension in them? Connected to them?" Eldrian mumbled in reply. "I think it is the former. Solvi, do you know anything about dimensional items?"

"Sadly, not much." The dwarf replied. "Haven't dabbled in it myself, Mov Crystals are too rare. But if what you say is true, then perhaps the voidstone allows for a more advanced type of dimensional manipulation?"

Solvi paused, recalling all that she knew of dimensional storages. They all had this neat feature wherein times more or less froze for any item placed inside. The effect is greater for Chosen with their inventories, but time passed slower in all standard dimensional storages.