
Tournament prep (Part 2) - Getting ready

The next two days Eldrian simply took it easy while waiting for the developers to finish the arenas. For the most part, he visited the forums or simply watched some series or anime, having a great deal of them he needed to catch up on.

As such the days flew by, with Eldrian having gone online to visit his virtual home. He could immediately feel that something was missing here too. Almost similar to when he logged out of the game, but not really the same. Instead of something missing, it was more that an expectation he didn't know he had, wasn't being met.

Luckily this didn't last long, only bothering him for a few minutes after waking in the opening in front of his little cabin. Looking at it and smelling the freshness of nature surrounding him, Eldrian was happy with what the developers had managed. He was actually quite surprised they had managed to release it so fast, with so many details.