
Tournament 3, Phoenix's siege

Two kilometers was too far a distance to throw what was essentially a palm-sized stone. Even with Judith's enhanced stats focused on pure melee combat. 

However, the temporary runes Ilmadia had added to it eliminated drag while decreasing the effect of gravity on the mana crystal.  This allowed it to fly far. As far, in fact, as Ilmadia's connection to the temporary runes held. 

Still, two kilometers was a great distance. Accuracy was naturally low. 

The Nova Missile had landed close to the enemy castle, but not close enough to do any damage. However, it had been a massive shock to the players of Dragons. 

They had decided to play defensive against Phoenix, and as such no one had left the castle as of yet. A few scouts were about to set out when the explosion occurred. 

The shock of it had sent them stumbling back into safety. Warrily, they tried to figure out what had happened.