
Tournament 3, Back to Miracle ANW HQ

As always, the announcements were extravagant and over the top. But considering how much Miracle was spending to make the tournament a massive hit, this was to be expected. 

Of course, with guilds having a hundred members participating, and most having plenty of players in reserve, not everyone went forth as representatives. Usually, the guild leader and vice leaders represented the guilds, though other players were included in some cases. 

Eldrian, for his part, had wanted to sit out the entire ordeal and only show up for the battles. However, this year was a little different. Before the semis officially started, there would be an interview with all the players (individual matches), teams, and guilds (representatives) who had made it this far. 

With the massive waves Eldrian had been making, his presence had been requested. And while he felt it a pain, Eldrian had some questions of his own.