
Tier 1 vs Tier 5

Eldrian was glad seeing that it had worked, yet he could not take a moment to appreciate it. Focusing so much on Vivian had certainly placed him in a bad spot, scrambling he barely managed to dodge the attack from the goblins knight. Losing his sword in the process. 

Before the goblin knight could deliver its next attack, Terlas offered some support to Eldrian. Forcing the goblin to dodge and giving Eldrian the time he needed to recover his greatsword and actually stand back up. 

As soon as he did Terlas moved his attention back to Vivian, leaving Eldrian to fend for himself. Eldrian quickly learned that this goblin knight was far stronger and faster than those he had fought before. 

Eldrian was not without some tricks, he firstly used Accelerate to help him keep up with the goblin. Then he started using Floga to try and block the goblin's sight. It was the only spell he could actually cast while so flustered.