
The cancelation round

Amnur sighed, he did not wish to air out his past and certainly he did not want to get into a large debate with Tovack. Tovack's next question was also not one he could refute, and it linked perfectly with his first statement. 

"Does not each person you meet alter your path in life?" Tovack asked, from which he went ahead and explained how each teacher could adjust your way, how each enemy could change your perception or be your end. How each friend could lead you astray or save you from yourself. 

"You all think that he will blindly do as you say, but that is not how teaching works. You might have forgotten with all the years."

"We, your abyssal guard, while we follow your teaching and orders. We still forge our own way, it is our choice to serve. You might have altered our paths, yet you cannot say that you stole our choice."
