
The ackley trees

Eldrian didn't want to ignore hand's-on reports just because of his map search function. It was certainly powerful, but it could only tell him the overview; not what was actually happening. 

Luckily, it seemed nothing problematic had surfaced. However, the undead were acting strange. 

"The undead were clustered where you mentioned, but..." Vivian paused.

"The thing is, they were digging..." Theas continued from Vivian's pause. They had both witnessed this, and it made no sense to either of them. In some areas, the undead had even formed caverns, the clearing of which had slowed their progress. 


"Yeah... we do not know why." Theas confirmed, "It is the first time I have experienced something like that. It also didn't look like they were commanded to dig. In fact, there were several zombies. Likely converted after dying in the forest."