

Unfortunately, it was not to be. 

They had managed to somewhat solidify the runes, not completely though. And the runes had done nothing to stabilize the mana atom. In fact, it had actually made it more unstable as the runes caused a sort of pull and push effect on its center. 

Instead of working together, it was clear that the runes were functioning as separate entities. This would normally not be a big problem, but with how unstable mana in its raw form is. Eldrian moved quickly to stop the pull-push effect before it could cause any real troubles.

After, the two tried their best to come up with a solution. They had a few ideas on how to possibly stabilize it, but the biggest problem was that the runes had not completely solidified. Thus they would always need to be kept in mind, which was simply not possible. 

Eldrian suspected this was because these runes were made only with mageia, while with the barrier they had drawn it with mana.