
Sharing his discovery

"Jen... It's complicated, can we talk about something else?" Eldrian asked, this being the precise reason he had avoided talking with her. 

"What do you mean it's complicated. If you are in danger you can just stop and leave, right?" Her voice was filled with worry and uncertainty. 

"It's not that simple... Jen, let's meet up tomorrow." Eldrian didn't know what he was doing, only that he couldn't keep avoiding her. 

Jen didn't respond for some time, the silence eating at Eldrian. Finally, she came back, "What's going on? Why don't you just explain it to me?"

Eldrian paused, wondering how much he could share. "I don't really know what I am allowed to share. Let's just meet, it will be easier to explain it in person after I look through my contract again."

Again Jen didn't reply immediately, "Eldrian, really what is going on?"