
Setting off

Leaving Boran's, Eldrian headed directly for the south gate. The stable was near it on the grassland between the wall and buildings.

While setting out Eldrian made a last check to ensure that he had all the things he needed. 

Barrel of water. Check. Meat, large check. Weapons, check. Arrows, mmm yeah that is over a hundred. Should be fine. Time, late... Eldrian sighed as he thought of the time. Hoping that he would still make it before Monday.

Arriving at the south gate, Eldrian went to his right. Following along on the road next to the wall, Eldrian walked for a few hundred meters before seeing the stable buildings in the grassland.

This grassland was kept between the city walls and inner buildings as a way to give a buffer during an attack. Allowing the buildings to act as a second smaller wall, while the other sections of the wall would also be able to attack this grassland.