
Reinforcing the East (3) - Meeting Admien

Moving closer to the rocket-like thrusters Eldrian was attaching to the corners, Elizabeth frowned. They were actually only cylinders with some engravings. "Eldrian?"

"Truthfully, I've yet to test if things will work. Didn't have the time. So just hold tight to the handrails."

"What handrails?" Elizabeth asked. Other than the 'thrusters' and the hook at the front, there was nothing else attached to the black platform. Not to mention how hard it was to see where it started and where it ended. Especially when no one wanted to cast a light spell, wary of drawing attention.

"Oh, right." Nodding, Eldrian explained how it was supposed to work. "Just step on here, and you should feel that the floor is a mana conduit."