
Rebuilding his mana pathways

Hurriedly, Eldrian moved to check the two alicorns. They had both reverted back to their natural form as it was the form in with they could use mana the freest. Luckily, it seemed that the two were just exhausted and not hurt. 

Looking at the cracks in the black metal and the dust of what used to be a Magic Crystal, Eldrian had no words.

Naturally, he had to use mana sense to see what the metal was. He was unable to receive any details on the disk as a whole. Whether this was because it was broken, or beyond mana sense, Eldrian didn't know. 

However, the metal it was made out of was shocking enough. Leaving him flabbergasted at the fact that it had cracked with seemingly no effort. 

[Voidstone: Rank 5 Crafting Material]

[A stone from the void, found in the deepest caverns. It is beyond rare.]
