
Planting the second memorial flower

Eldrian wished that he could have spared some time to learn a flight spell, though teleportation would still be far faster. The feeling of the flight was just so different, but Eldrian didn't want to bother Ceph for this.

As a matter of course getting into the city of Vlisia had required some string-pulling, after all, they were still on high guard. Especially since the king was still in the city. That was where being the guest of the duke came in nice and handy. 

Stepping out of the magic tower, Eldrian was shocked by what welcomed his eyes. The city looked far worse than Kynigo had on its worst day. The orcs had all fought to the last, a destructive rage having driven them insane. Or so he had heard. 

Even in a part of the city that had been seen far less devastation, the smell of blood still filled the air. The familiar metallic smell reminded Eldrian just how real this was.