
A New World, an immersive game experience

A full dive VR game has been released, A New World. While it is not the only VR game in the world, this one has one advantage over others: Being able to play it even while sleeping. Like one would think, many people jumped to try and claim the first headsets. Mostly gamers, but some other types of people too. Our MC, Eldrian, is naturally a gamer who could not wait but to try it. Quickly he and everyone else who bought the headsets found themselves in a world, not just a game. While realism is nice and all, the amount they were given was just too much... Players started taking emotional tolls from playing the game, and when the company made a shocking announcement. This was amplified. -------------------------- Chapter Length: 1500-2000 words (Chapters 1-390ish) Chapter Length: 1200-1400 words (Chapters 390-?) --------------------------

Breuno · Games
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1050 Chs

Plan of action - Part 2

"Can't we split up into two groups and fight both packs separately, at the same time?" Vivian asked as she looked at the map, she had also figured out how it worked. In fact, she immediately knew what it meant as she had seen such map representations often, in her dad's office.

"That is why I wish this was a seasoned troop." William said, "Then this would be a very good option. We could split the army, sending a small division to keep the second pack busy while we fight and kill the nearest pack with the majority of the soldiers."

"Why won't it work with the current soldiers?" Vivian asked as she felt confused why these soldiers would be unable to do it.

"The diversion division would be wiped out before we can reach them. If we send more troops there, then the main division will take too long to defeat the nearest pack." Ethan said.

"And adding onto it, at least one of us will have to go with them. Which means we won't be able to command the unit under us." Carl explained, but as he saw both Vivian and Eldrian seemingly getting confused he added. "It means someone will be forced to fill the position. Which will cause a massive morale drop and weaken the army as a whole."

"There is also the fact that the diversion division, would have to run the entire way to make it in time to intercept the second pack. Meaning they would be very tired before they started fighting. On top of this, they will have to fight outnumbered." Wayne added, to which the others nodded. They had forgotten about this part for a while now.

The distance was not a easy thing to overcome. They truly couldn't catch the second pack unless they pushed the soldiers too hard. Which would just lead to a collapse of the army.

"Which pack is the more difficult one to handle?" Eldrian asked as he believed splitting would really not work then. If the smaller army was going to be exhausted, then there was certainly next to no change for them to manage in keeping the pack busy, until the rest of the army can reinforce them.

"What do you mean?" Ethan asked.

"William said that the new pack had killed the scouts, which means it is stronger than the other one. Right?" Eldrian asked for confirmation.

"Oh right that part." William suddenly spoke up as he heard his name. He then pointed to the nearest cross. "It would be the nearest pack."

"That is good," Eldrian said, leaving the others confused.

"Why is that good?" Wayne asked, as he felt curious about how this would help. He believed it would be better if the weaker pack was nearer. They could then break through it faster.

"Because I thought of another option. Would it be possible to lead the second pack to us?" Eldrian asked, feeling it was the only good option left, unless magic could provide them some help.

If they somehow managed to pull or guide the second pack to them while they were fighting the first pack. Then they should be able to create a defensive position from which to fight, instead of having to rush just to fight two battles, in a tired state.

"What do you mean lead the second pack to us?" William asked as he looked at Eldrian with hope in his eyes. He hoped to keep the town from becoming a sacrifice for the war.

"I mean we send some or all of the scouts to lead the further pack nearer to us. I believe they are on horses, correct?" Eldrian asked as he looked at all the leaders.

"Yes they are, but how would they be able to pull the entire pack? Normally a pack would send a division of their members to take care of such a small threat." William asked.

"That would depend on how aggressive the, what the hell is the monsters called?" Eldrian asked as he found he could not remember the name for plain wolf beasts.

"We simply call them Evolved Wolves or Wolfbeasts, which is more often used. The next class, the Demonic Beasts of wolf variant would be called Direwolves." Vivian said as she remembered she never told Eldrian the specific names of the monsters they were going to face.

"Then how aggressive are Wolfbeasts to humans?" Eldrian asked

"They are quite aggressive, but as I said earlier, they will only send out a small part of the pack to kill the scouts," William answered.

"We aren't just going to send them to appear in front of the pack." Eldrian countered before he asked, "How many scouts were sent out, and what are they equipped with?"

"If I remember correctly we sent out 20 scouting parties. With each party having around 4 to 6 men. If we tell them to form up it would be around a 100 men." Wayne answered.

"And their layout is standard for scouts." Carl also offered an answer.

"What does standard mean?" Eldrian asked as he shook his head from Carl's reply. 'Standard' meant nothing to him.

"They are all lightly armored with crossbows. They also each have a spear and sword with them." William replied to Eldrian's question as he felt this Chosen might really have a plan. He started to believe because Eldrian was asking for specifics and not just spouting his ideas.

"Good they at least have a ranged weapon," Eldrian said as he sighed from relief. He had feared that they would have none, seeing as this kingdom seemed to heavily favor melee fighting, with the sword if one wanted to be more specific.

"Yes but even so they won't accomplish much," Ethan said as he felt this would still not really help.

"What if they apply hit and run tactics? How many beasts would they be able to kill then?" Eldrian asked next as he hopped for a good answer.

"What is hit and run tactics?" Wayne asked, he had never heard of the term before. The other people also looked at him, waiting for an answer.

'Dammit, have they never used such a simple tactic?' Eldrian complained internally before he explained, "It is when you only shoot when you are safe and far away from the enemy. When the enemy approach you, chasing, you turn around and run away. When they stop chasing you, you shoot them again." He said trying to make it easy for them to grasp.

Hearing his reply all the captains frowned, feeling this tactic was honorless and cheap. But they did not argue this point as they all felt saving 50 000 townsfolk was more important than their pride. They were even willing to throw their honor away for such a large amount of people.

"Then how many beasts would they be able to kill? Would it be enough to force the entire pack to chase them?" Eldrian asked, pushing them past the dishonorable part of hit and run tactics.

He had believed it would have caused a massive argument, luckily it seemed like the people here wanted to save the civilians more than they cared about their honor and pride. 'I feel they are all from a common background.' Eldrian thought to himself as he saw them all contemplate his question, seemingly wanting to find the correct and accurate answer.

He was very happy they went along with it so easily.

"If we assume they do manage to pull this off smoothly, meaning they don't get caught by the Wolfbeasts. And we assume every fourth bolt a scout fires will kill a beast, then they should be able to kill around half the pack." Wayne said as he did the math in his head. He raised his head in surprise when, what he had said hit him.

Wayne then quickly started checking himself to make sure what he had said was correct. 'Scouts normally are sent out with 60 crossbow bolts, so if they managed to hit a beast in the head every fourth shot they fire, or a few shots in the body with at least one hitting a vital organ. Then this would indeed be possible...'

'Eiga have mercy.' Wayne cried internally when he confirmed the numbers were correct. While the others asked their own specific deity for mercy, when they realized that the group of a 100 scouts might be able to kill a 1000 beasts.

This when both sides are of around the same strength group, was an unheard-of feat.

"If they can manage that, then even if they don't pull the pack. The damage would be enough to allow the town to defend or at least hold out until we can reach them." William added after a while of silence.

Everyone but Eldrian was left shocked by the revelation of this tactic's strength.

"Let's try this then," Ethan said, as all the others agreed with his statement. This plan gave them real hope for saving everyone.

'What an easy yet deadly tactic.' Old Sword thought as he looked at Eldrian.

Old Sword had had the same idea, to an extent. His plan was to tell the scouts to form up and shoot at the pack to draw their attention. Once the pack rushed them, they would then head to where the troop was fighting the other pack. If the pack stopped following them, then they would have to turn around and shoot at the pack again. He did not plan on telling them to fire, unless the pack stopped following them.

'Such a simple addition can make the same idea so much stronger.' Old Sword thought to himself.

The only problem he had with this tactic, was that the scouts were going to face Wolfbeasts. This is not a slow enemy easy to shoot at. Some of the beasts are even faster than horses. Especially if they had time to grow or any of them was a variant.

Even so, he felt this plan had the best chance of leading the other pack to them. With the least amount of casualties.

"I think this might work. It will still be a hard fight, but if we manage we should be able to save the town without any unneeded casualties." Old Sword said.

"William, relay the task to the scouts. The rest of you get ready to set off. We will try and find a nice place to fight. We do not want the second pack to be able to flank us when they arrive." Old Sword said as he stood up.

Old Sword believed there would still be complications. But what battle did not have them?


I had a really busy day again. :( Took sooo long to finish one long question, like more than 5 hours. No one I know knew how to do it.

It got frustating. But writing was a very nice change of pace.


On a good note, A New World, AIGE now has over 200 collections, which is awesome...


I did not expect to reach this so soon. I had expected it to take months, yet it has only been one, almost. Two more days to a month.


Thanks to everyone who is reading.

And a special thanks to those who vote, and an even greater thanks to those who comment. I like seeing people engaged with the story. It gives me such joy.


Enjoy the rest of your day.


Sidenote: seems webnovel takes out my paragraph splitting on the site, so I am adding the dashes to try and keep them.

Breunocreators' thoughts