
Ordering a backlog of spells to learn

Eldrian talked a bit more with Elizabeth after figuring out how to make use of the benefits. A large part of which was her trying to convince him to join them for a quest. Eldrian however wanted to take it easy for a few days or weeks. 

All the rushing of things had finally caught up to him. Losing himself had scared him, he did not wish to push himself to the edge again. It also did not feel like the quest was in danger of failing, and if it was he knew there was nothing he could do to change it. 

The quest goals were simply insane. He might be able to help in finding the source of the corruption, maybe he might find a way to stop it or cleanse it. Though he doubted it. 

Helping the army hold the forest was not something he could make a difference in, nor had he any idea how he was supposed to save the king. Or even if the king really needed saving.