
Making the memorial device (6) - Distractions and inspiration

"Okay, it is not a rune," Eldrian confirmed, instructing Myropsis on what to envision next. How she should envision the water forming a thin film of water droplets that would reflect light like polished metal or a mirror. 

Nodding, Myropsis repeated the test. This time it took far longer as her focus was more split, but in the end, it succeeded. 

"It worked! It worked!!!" Jumping up and down in excitement, Myropsis only barely managed to contain herself. Nodding, Eldrian smiled watching her. As he did he wondered how Vivian was doing and a part of him even felt slightly guilty. 

Shaking off these unnecessary feelings, he mumbled while clasping his hand in victory, 'Now, I have a way!'

For the rest of the day, Eldrian repeated the same with his wish for how recording should work. Since he lacked true scientific understanding, he made his own through intuition and trial and error.