
Making the memorial device (3) - Joren's bet

"However, I believe we have gotten a good enough idea to call Lord Athtar into the process," Eldrian mumbled, stunning Sofiera and causing Myropsis to become flustered. Naturally, news of their honored guests has been going through the city in the past few days. 

The city had also been preparing for the refugees who are expected to arrive by the end of the week. Naturally, this would have caused great stress on the citizens, however, the rumors helped calmed them far more than anything else could possibly achieve. 

After all, hearing that those legendary figures in the childrens' tales were real and actually protecting the city. It was like hearing that a god was protecting them. 

"Do you really think he has time for this?" Myropsis questioned in haste as Eldrian was seemingly determined to do just that. 

"I think he is interested in our abilities." Eldrian replied, "So I am quite certain he will be willing to help."

"Are you sure?"