
Magic practice and theory (3) - Helping Brazen

"I won't stop you if you want to try, but..." Eldrian left it there, hoping that Brazen could see the dangers and recognize that seeking an aura was a death wish. 

Luckily, Brazen wasn't without reason. He realized it was not something he could accomplish. Death was the more likely outcome.

In fact, the only reason Eldrian still lived was because he was a Chosen. If he was a normal person, he would have died. Eldrian had pointed this out, too. Not ashamed to admit his failings. He wanted to hammer it into his retainer so he wouldn't throw his life away. 

A normal person, or rather a non-Chosen, didn't have a protection around their souls. Extending the time they can be resurrected—which had allowed Itireae to make it in time. This was made clear because she could not save Sabrea despite her having died after Eldrian.