
Magic Crystal in Kynigo Manor

Sighing Eldrian prepared himself for the awkwardness he believed was to come. Luckily it was not too much, Pelaros was actually a very nice host. Other than being overly enthusiastic; giving Eldrian random flowers, trying to feed him cake along with the tea, and offering a room in his house for Eldrian to stay rent-free, he did not go overboard.

In contrast, he gave Myropsis the cold shoulder. Seemingly holding a grudge that she had not told him that Eldrian was an elf. After enduring the strange looks and over-the-top actions for around an hour, Pelaros finally stopped and turned back to the true reason Eldrian had come.

Setting down the tea he slowly stood up, "Thank you for accompanying me, it was really nice. Now I am certain you actually want to go to the Magic Crystal. Follow me."