
Lesson time (2) - Everything is simple, yet complicated

'Okay, I'm getting off track again.' Collecting his thoughts, Eldrian finalized his answer.

"Lifeforce isn't needed for the healing part of the spell. At least, I don't think it is always needed to perform the healing itself. Mana should be enough for that." Which didn't mean that it didn't play a part. 

"I think that the lifeforce in the equation of divine magic isn't used to fuel the spell. Mana is converted into energy to heal, but I can't imagine the same being done with lifeforce. Perhaps in the case of resurrections or soul damage, but those are more extreme cases."

"So, instead, lifeforce is probably used to connect with a person's self." Eldrian had experience in this area himself. After all, his soul had been damaged, repaired, damaged again, repaired again, altered, corrupted, attacked..... It had been through quite a lot.