
Kugbu's stats

Ceph raised an eyebrow upon seeing Eldrian return with a little girl, ignoring that, Eldrian quickly filled him in on the details further. The nearby centaurs couldn't believe what Eldrian was saying and wanted to argue, but Eldrian quickly shut them up when he pointed to the explosion he had caused. 

Recalling that he had indeed done something in the road before moving into the ruined district, they kept quiet. Afraid at what else he had hidden up his sleeve.

After all, he had killed a group of orcs they would have had a tough time defending against. While this group was stronger than the one Silver had encountered, they only had three Tier 5's. Luckily, their equipment was also quite good, so they should be able to survive.

"Is this true?" Upam asked, unable to believe what Eldrian had just told him. 

"It seems to be the case. There might still be a chieftain, or possibly a warlord commanding the army. All the orcs I inspected are followers of Kugbu."