

Despite the possible upsides, Eldrian was extremely wary. He recalled how great trying to absorb the energy of the reverant heart had sounded, but the results had just been a desperate struggle. Sure, he had gained a great deal from the struggle itself, but nothing more, outside of the title that had little use.

Naturally, Eldrian was unaware that it was precisely this title and the ability he had gained from his success in surviving the ordeal that had enhanced mana sense and allowed him to see the strings between the Spirited Ackleys. 

The ability Scourge of Undeath made him more aware of the weaknesses of the undead, but it also allowed him greater insights into the entire aspect of undeath. Helping him connect the dots and also enhancing his inspection and observation attempts. 

Not knowing this, and even if he did Eldrian would likely still not want to take the risk. Especially since this would be even harder than the curse.