
Introduced to the world

The entire opening took over an hour, yet no one complained. Even if you didn't care for what was shown, the technology by which it was shown was simply mind-blowing. At times some of the magnificent creatures such as Dragons, Phoenixes, Pegassii, and so forth would fly out from the floor and over everyone in the stadium. 

Showcasing just how advanced the holograms actually were, and making everyone question how Miracle had managed to develop them and why they were not on the market. 

When the hologram finally ended, Micaela appeared on the stage. "We wanted to show everyone just how much more there was still to be found. That the game has only just started and that the players have not even seen a single drop of the ocean that is ANW."

"Now, let's welcome the contestants!" With this statement, the players suddenly found the boxes they were in moving. Taking them to the stage where the front wall turned into a door and let them out onto the stage.