

"Then, what are you talking about?" Sofiera questioned but quickly linked it to Myropsis's training and what she knew of Eldrian. "You already seemed to know this, why did it seem like you realized something larger then?

"Because I did. I truly suspected that all aspects of magic are linked to willpower and emotions. However, I do not really know of any aspects outside of elemental."

Eldrian didn't know if he should lump auras into an aspect or if they transcended them.  "What finally clicked is that it seems emotions and willpower can't be separated."

"But spells?" Sofiera still felt emotions had no place in spells, it would just make envisioning the spell module all the harder. 

"Right, we might not call being focused an emotion. But, that doesn't exactly mean that it isn't an emotion... Maybe, rather... It is a certain state of being..." Eldrian mumbled and paused, knowing that he couldn't express himself correctly through words.