
Erik's struggles

After teleporting Erik had found himself in an empty closed room, similar to the one they had teleported from. At that time he had been quite unstable but had managed to stay standing, with a slight headache. Akarui though completely failed and had to rely on Erik by clutching onto him.

They both just stayed still for a while to recover from the aftereffect of teleporting. Once Erik made sure that Akarui could stand on her own he had tried to check if the doors would budge. Unfortunately, they were locked, as such, he headed up to the top to ask the mage to let them out.

On his way up he had tried to make up a reason for why they were here, surprisingly the mage was actually quite used to unknown people appearing inside his tower.

"Yeah, it's a nice way to make some extra cash." He had said without any embarrassment or secrecy, "That will be one gold coin for each of you to leave, and for me to not report you."