
Elomir under siege (8) - Handover

'Finally reached his limit? I'm surprised he stayed awake as long as he did,' Penthine mumbled.

"Should we investigate what he said?" Telite asked, not willing to accept the elf's words outright. If they opened a connection and it turned out to be an enemy, the consequences would be too dire to even imagine. 

"We should rather send someone to the tower to take control of it. As we now have control again, we can start our counterattack. Hyrmeda, I would like you to stay and ensure that our enemy do not infiltrate further with the other magic towers."

"By your command." Hyrmeda answered. 

"I will return as soon as I can." Penthine continued, "Telite, I want you to meet with the representative of the Chosen. I've heard they can talk with each other in real time without the restrictions that our magic items have."