
Elizabeth's news

"No, we also made it larger to accommodate adding more modules in the future." This was the true reason for the increased size, but even Joren didn't know what they might add in the future. The first plan was outside of nutrient IVs, they would add the enhanced nutrient fluids. 

That, however, was still a good while away. 

"So it is mostly wasted space right now?" Eldrian countered, this appeared to be the case especially since the chair inside the cabin was only large enough to fit one person. Its appearance was similar to the immersion chair, but with far more padding for comfort. 

"For now," Joren smiled before explaining to Eldrian how the cabin worked, what he could set, and how to actually climb into the monstrosity.

Eldrian found that the chair was very comfortable, the padding clearly some type of advanced memory foam. Shaping into the optimal form for its occupant.