
Difficulty with the locals

Eldrian's thoughts on the orcs didn't matter much. The identification however proved that the orcs in the city were not that big of a deal. One of the strongest ones near the tower was certainly a tough bastard, but Eldrian felt he could deal with the orc just fine. 

[Igigh - Orc {Follower of Kugbu}, Tier 5, Level 25]

[HP: 1441]

[Stamina: 1540]

[Attack: 102 (30)]

[A normal orc, one who is either young or incapable. Having never proven themselves in their lives they are sent to the front. Not as a form of punishment but rather as a way to prove themselves.]

[It is considered a gift to be in the vanguard. A chance to earn the right to be called a warrior.]

'Still a tough bastard,' Eldrian sighed, he was certain he would win considering that this orc wasn't even an orc warrior class. However, it having over a thousand health and being one of the most basic, if Tier 5, that was worrying.