

Trusting in Two, Eldrian kept running, fighting to keep his eyes open against the storm of winds assaulting him. Nearly falling when the storm of winds suddenly disappeared. 

Surrounding him was a thin layer of frosty wind, diverting the winds around and away from him while keeping the winds inside at the same speed as Eldrian. Instead of fighting the air, he was now in a bubble separate from it, moving along with him.

'How did you-?'

{'I'm not sure, I was just trying something and it worked.'}


{'I don't think the magic we are using is normal'}


{'Think about it, just think. You summoned a shockwave from a shout, you burned that steel door with another.'}

'What are you getting at, Two?' Eldrian asked as he rounded another corner and an elevator came into view. The security system was the same, somehow he knew this. 

'How are we going to get through that?'