
Chaos in chat

While everyone was still stunned, Eldrian sent out his icicles. One aimed at the person who had survived the surprise attack, while sending the other at the barbarian. It took the opponents just a moment to overcome their shock, yet that was enough for them to miss the time to dodge fully. 

Still, they tried. The one in plate armor lifted his shield and lost sight of the icicle as he did. The result, the icicle circling his shield and hitting his neck. Luckily for him, Eldrian couldn't see behind the shield either, as such the gorget (Neckpiece) shattered the spell. Still, the event sent chills through his body as he realized how close to dying he had been. 

As for the barbarian, Eldrian couldn't dual cast and aim the spells perfectly just yet. Especially over such a long distance and with the targets also being far apart.