
Calculator equals Mageia Avyssos?

"So, then what does the Mageia Avyssos actually do?" Joren asked, it was possible for him to call up all the logs they had on it. Naturally, he did not know everything that went on in the game. Asking Eldrian was just faster and would also convey Eldrian's perspective. He would confirm it after.

"That I am still not too sure about. I know it is why I can enter my soul so much easier. The natives wouldn't be able to use entering the magic abyss as a shortcut."

"Besides that, it is supposed to be..." Eldrian paused and pondered what it was like, "It is kind of like using a calculator."

"Calculator?" The two department heads asked, confused. 

Nodding Eldrain started explaining, "Normally, to cast a spell you would have to be able to fully control your mana like High Elves and other races who dynamic cast. This however is not easy and in fact, as far as I know, almost none of the races with reasonable lifetimes can accomplish this."