
Back to the field

Eldrian joined the crowd as he saw that the soldiers were forming up and not just rushing out. After a while, Old Sword came forward and stood on a table, which had been brought forward from somewhere in the crowd.

"Alright, as everyone should know I don't really do speeches. I just want to say that we had a rough day yesterday. And now we don't have time to get used to the loss we find ourselves with. We have to return to the city to hand in our reports, I feel this is only the start. Many more missions are likely to follow."

"Therefore we will now go and clean up the battlefield. During this time the same rules as normal apply, you can take any weapon as an upgrade. But in doing so you have to return your old one to the army."

"All kills have to be split by those who had contributed to it. If no one claims a kill then it is a free game, but remember that you can only hold what you can carry. The rest has to be given to the army. Therefore pick carefully what you want to take."

"Payment for the mission and reparations for the loss of life will be handled when we return to the city. As well as punishments for breaking the above rules."

"That is all, we will set out in a few minutes." Old Sword stepped down from the table as he ended his rather short speech.

Eldrian felt confused about the speech, it was very straightforward. But he felt it was missing, he felt that comforting words would have helped everyone be more motivated. Even if it was only a bit he felt it would be good to get some nice encouraging words from the leader.

'This is the military hey?' Eldrian mumbled as he left the crowd, finding that it felt heartless to him. He knew why it was so, but it still bothered him.

Turning around he saw Vivian standing nearby in an open field. This sight made Eldrian momentarily halt what he was doing and thinking about. The scene looked extremely peaceful, Vivian standing in front of a few grazing cows. Her auburn hair flowing in the wind and her silky white skin shining in the sun.

'So beautiful...' Eldrian mumbled, unsure himself if he was mentioning Vivian or the scene.

He was brought out of daydreaming when he heard the rustle of people moving. Turning around he saw that the soldiers were heading out. Turning back and forth he decided to quickly ask Vivian how she was doing before going out looting.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" He asked.

"I am doing better, but the healers told me I can't do any exercises for a week."

"Wait, what? Why so long, I thought they healed it."

"They did, but only basic healing. It ensured that I will be fine, but it was rushed and thus left most of the job left for my body to handle."

"Can't they just heal you again, now that everything has calmed down?"

"No, that isn't how healing works," Vivian replied, giggling from Eldrian's cluelessness.

"Oh, that sucks." As Eldrian said this he had a look of doubt on his face. Wondering if he should stay with her for a bit or go looting.

Seeing this look Vivian said, "Go on, you don't have to stay with me. It isn't like I am in danger."

"Ah, okay. Thanks, I guess." Eldrian replied in embarrassment, moving to catch up with the soldiers.

As he ran after them he quickly realized that his avatar was indeed still tired. Only a minute in and he was already heaving, luckily he had caught up allowing him to slow down to a walk.

Leaving the town's gate Eldrian quickly saw the battlefield. While all the soldiers had been given a funeral, it didn't change much of the site's bloody look. With the grass being dyed red and beast corpses littered all over the place.

Seeing this Eldrian started to prepare himself mentally. Realizing that the smell was likely going to be extremely unpleasant.

While moving to the battlefield Eldrian looked around, quickly finding the other players who were also following after the soldiers. Only a little over 30 of them were here, the rest seemingly have skipped on the loot run.

He managed to find them so quickly since they were separate from the soldiers and in much worse clothing conditions. Most of the NPCs had seemingly bought extra clothes, while their armors were still damaged, their clothes were in good condition. But like Eldrian the players' clothes were also torn and bloodied. Showing that they hadn't changed or washed themselves.

Continuing to look around Eldrian also found that no nobles were present. At least none in fancy armor, as all the NPCs had more 'normal' armor on.

'Wish my clothes would just repair. I think it does when you die. Why doesn't it when you live?' He mumbled as he realized he really needed to take a wash and get new clothes. Likely a pair or more, so he could have some extra for if something unexpected happened.

After a few more minutes of walking and they reached the battlefield. Being here again Eldrian felt memories and feeling rush through him, making him feel disorientated. The smell of blood and slippery grass didn't help as it added to these flashes of memories.

Taking a few seconds Eldrian slowly managed to stop the assault, only to find the smell to be quite unpleasant. Realizing this he also realized how much he had shut out yesterday.

'How did I not smell this, or did I?' He asked himself, finding it weird that he couldn't remember this smell. Apart from right at the start before he even started fighting.

Taking another moment to get used to this Eldrian finally became accustomed to all the sights and smells assaulting his senses. Looking around he saw that most of the players were also in such a state. Struggling to not vomit or keep their cool.

But some of them were already busy looking for loot, encouraged by Old Swords' words saying that they could keep things they found. And they had an inventory, so they could keep a large number of things.

'The difference between being on this bloody field in person and seeing it through a screen sure is massive.' Eldrian thought, finding it strange that he was fine seeing even more gruesome things on screen, yet now he struggled so much to act normal here.

Turning his gaze from the players he found that some of the NPCs also struggled to get used to the sights and smells. But the number was almost reversed when compared to the players. With only around 50 still standing still. The rest all already busy looking for a beast to harvest, or a weapon to claim.

Looking at the soldiers at work Eldrian felt a wave of nausea assault him. Some soldiers were knee-deep in blood, busy harvesting the beast for all its worth. Either focusing on the skin, claws, teeth, or eyes.

'Don't tell me this is looting!' Eldrian felt like cursing, finding the game to be too cruel. He simply wanted loot, he certainly didn't want to get bloody again.

Some of the soldiers were working with a smile on their faces, making Eldrian feel even more uncomfortable. He was glad that some seemed to be struggling, finding this to be comforting. 'Some people are still normal...' He mumbled and sighed.

The difference in attitude also indicated who worked faster. With those smiling taking just a minute to gather all the small things, being the claws, teeth, and eyes. They then left the carcass and moved on to a new one.

Eldrian was even more shocked when he saw the giant smiles on a few players. One of them had declawed a direwolf and it seemed the claws were good stuff. As he was grinning like a fool.

Another had picked up a bow and was smiling due to this. It probably is the best weapon he had ever handled.

Seeing this Eldrian shook his head, realizing that if he didn't start 'looting' then he would miss out on the good stuff. He decided to head to where they had killed the Alpha, feeling that it would be one of the best beasts to harvest. He decided that he would just gather weapons after cleaning the Alpha.

Arriving at the spot Eldrian saw the massive beast lying on its side peacefully. Seeing it again Eldrian felt shocked. Shocked that he had helped in killing it. Shocked at how massive it was, easily two meters long and still one meter high, when not even being supported by its legs.

'How on earth did I face this thing?' He asked himself in shock.

Coming out of his shock he started inspecting the beast. Realizing that it was actually a beautiful creature. Even with it being covered in blood at certain places, Eldrian felt the gracefulness of the beast. He somehow felt how it had been energetic and vigorous.

'We ended that...' He thought sadly, kneeling down and taking one of its paws in his hands. The paw was as big as Eldrian's head, the claws as big as his fingers. Yet it didn't seem too big or strange, it seemed to fit the beast.

'How am I supposed to tear it apart. It feels so wrong.' Eldrian thought, setting the paw down. Moving his hands to caress its fur Eldrian finding it to be soft and fluffy, reminding him of the cat they had at home.

Looking at the fur he also realized that it was actually pleasant to look at. Having a soft and neutral look to it.

'I don't want to damage it...' He thought, thinking that he wanted to make it into a coat or something. He also remembered how though it had felt during the fight, making him think that it might be a good armor too. But he didn't want to lose the fur, which would be needed if they cured it. He didn't believe it would stay so soft after being processed.

Coming out of all these thoughts Eldrian turned his attention back to the beast's claws. Asking himself how they used it, since it certainly was too short to be used as a weapon.

"Magnificent beasts, if only we did not have to fight them." A female voice commented from behind Eldrian. Turning around in surprise he found that he did not know the person. Thus he gave her a questioning look.

"Seems like you are confused. What about?"

"Ah, sorry. I am distracted." Eldrian replied, turning back to the Alpha. A few seconds he asked while still facing the Alpha, "Who are you?"

"I'm Melissa, and you are?"


"Are you going to harvest the Alpha?" Eldrian asked after a while of silence.

"Unless it is your claim."

"I guess it is. Still can't get used to it."

"Did you really help killing it?" She asked, her voice filled with surprise and shock.

"I guess I did. Can't believe it now after the fact." Eldrian answered as his places his hand onto the beast's back, feeling the soft fur again.

Seeing Eldrian's reaction Melissa was greatly surprised. His action had been subconscious and conflicted, which confused her. Most people would be ecstatic to be able to claim an Alpha's loot.


Thanks for reading.

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What are your opinions on Patreon or Ko-fi? I am thinking of joing them. But I don't know if I should, since I won't be able to really offer anything, as I am quite certain 1 chapter a day is my limit. for now

Breunocreators' thoughts