
An unfair match

Another day quickly passed, during which Eldrian didn't do all that much. Darren took care of the next round of tests, doing so in the largest branch of the adventurer's guild inside Kynigo. 

Eldrian simply waited, spending the day practicing magic some more and enjoying what the city had to offer with Ceph and Vivian. 

"Here are the results," Darren said, handing Eldrian a single page with a summary of each person's results. 

In the end, Eldrian had everyone write the test. Though, for the six who had some sort of true insight into dynamic magic it wasn't a determination if they would be accepted. Instead, Eldrian was simply curious how they would do. 

It was clearly worth it, Demilea scored really well on the strategy part of the test. Aspen on the household management and Argius on accounting.