
A cornered beast

The assassin naturally also realized what was going on and did not want to give them the time to trap him. He had no chance to kill Eldrian at this point, Kohaku had already run another 10 meters (11yd) by the time things had settled and he found himself in this situation. 

Currently, he was encircled by Kydone and three other dwarves. Two massive balls of flames floated in the air and four smaller ones spaced out to ensure there were no shadows near the group. 

Dodging Kydone's attacks were quite easy for the assassin. In fact, if not for the surprise from her appearance he would have easily managed to kill his target. 

As he took a deep breath and observed the dwarves who were closing in while Kydone was falling back, the devil realized that he was going to have to fight. They were surely not going to give him the time he needed to escape.