
A New Tempest

Like most fan-fictions. This story is my take on the story from beginning to end. This is not a back in time story. No-Op Rimuru from the start. There will be new characters and new skills added into this. As well as I might take other characters from other Anime and turn them into a skill. There shall also be dark and non-friendly Rimuru of course. As well as NO HAREM. So please enjoy.

Astra178 · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

War Against the Orcs

Time-skip (this takes place after the meeting)

It has been 4 days since I sent Souei to offer the alliance to the lizardmen. Of course they could not afford to decline this alliance. If they didn't there was a chance they would have died, although I would not have allowed that.

Today we are currently setting off to the lizardmen territory to meet and discuss with their chieftain. The people coming with me are Benimaru, Sakame, Kiyoko, Shion, Hakarou, Souei, Ranga and a few goblin riders which include Gobta.


All of a sudden I received a [Thought Communication] From Souei.

(What is it Souei?)

(While I was scouting the area, I came across a fight. It is between an orc and the lizardman chieftain guard. Shall I intervene?)

(We have an alliance with them so I guess we should help them, but can you win?)


(Then they are all yours)

After giving him the go ahead I cut the communication in order to address everyone else.

"Everyone, step it up. We are riding to Souei's location."

Once said, the direwolves we are on picked up the pace so we can assist Souei, or so we thought. Once we arrived all that could be seen was pure carnage. The orcs body parts were everywhere, completely separated from their bodies as the ground was now died a bright crimson color with blood.

"He didn't save any fun for us." Said Benimaru

"It's a shame" Sakame responded to Benimaru

"Well don't be too upset." Kiyoko responded

"Kiyoko's right. After all we still have the main force to look forward to!" Shion added onto Kiyoko's statement.

'These guys really are battle hungry. Can't blame them though, since I am kinda like them after all.' I thought this while walking towards Souei. Once reaching him I noticed she was injured, so I used this as an opportunity to use my new unique skill [Heal].

"[Area Heal]" With her as my target I used this skill to see how much it can heal a person. After a few seconds her wound has closed and the blood that stained her had dissipated. Slowly she began to open her eyes, then she shot up from out of Souei's arms, confused as to how she is still alive.

"How am I alive? My wound should have been fatal. Who are you?" She said as she looked up at me.

"I am Rimuru Tempest"

Hearing my name, she then realized who was standing in front of her. All while she prostrated herself before me. I don't know why she did this, she could just be showing respect since I started this alliance.

"Lord Rimuru, Please save my people! My foolish brother started a revolution and overthrew our father! He is out facing the orcs, so I beg you please save my people and father!" I could not believe what I heard. That foolish lizard revolted. He is leading his people straight to their deaths. He does not know how much of a threat an orc lord is. I was about to respond but Shion beat me to it.

"Stand up. For you have potential due to noticing the power of Lord Rimuru."

"Thank you! Thank you so much!"

This girl. Well it's not like I was going to decline her wish anyways. But she really is proving to be more of a secretary, I think.

"Souei, take her back to their residence and save the chieftain and anyone else who needs it. Take some of these potions as well."

"Understood, Rimuru-sama."

In that instant Souei and the unnamed lizardwoman were on their way back to their cave. Next was the fun part.

"Now regain yourselves, we are now headed to save the foolish Gabiru."

"Yes, Rimuru-sama!"

Everyone got back onto their direwolf and were now headed for the battlefield.

With Gabiru

On the battlefield, lizardmen are getting eaten left and right. Due to the orcs eating the lizardmen and the orc lords Unique Skill [Starved], it enabled the orcs to gain the lizardmen's traits to move quicker in the marshlands. Soon after this happened, that was all it took for them to surround the lizards and their goblin reinforcements. Gabiru was ready to fight out of this formation, but a bigger orc clad in dark black armor appeared.

'This orc. His aura is insane. This must be the orc lord.' Gabiru thought, but he couldn't have been more wrong.

"You there! Judging from your aura, you are the orc lord, yes?" He received no indicator of a response from this orc.

"Then I cha-"

"I am not the lord." The orc began to speak, cutting off Gabirus words.

"Excuse me?" Gabiru responded confused to what they said.

"I am a orc general. Compared to the orc lord my power is far inferior."

This one sentence made Gabiru fear for the worse.

'What is this? He is not the orc lord. Even with that massive aura his power is regarded as far inferior? Even still, I shall not falter in the face of this enemy.'

"Well then orc general, I challenge you to a duel."

"Hoh, you wish to challenge me? Very well, I'll oblige you."

A moment later Gabiru dashed straight at the general, spear pointing forward ready to pierce the orc. But this is not where this general will fall. He raised his axe where Gabiru was aiming his spear and deflected him to the side, resulting in Gabiru loosing his footing.

Taking advantage of this the orc quickly dashed to Gabiru and took multiple swipes at the lizardman. Even though this orc is stronger, Gabiru still managed to dodge their strikes, although barely.

Gabiru waited for an opening in the orcs strikes so that he can back away and compose himself. But finding that opening would prove difficult with the onslaught of strikes as he was progressively getting tired.

Finally an opening appeared, but it was short lived.

"[Chaos Eater]!" Yelled the orc lord. In that instant, multiple tendrils with mouths seemed to form out of the orcs aura. One touch from this would apply the rot effect and that would bring the curtains down on Gabirus life.

The tendrils instantly jumped at Gabiru, just barely missing him and hitting the ground.

"Your trying to eat me!?" Gabiru yelled in frustration as he thought he may not win this. But his spirit would not let him give up. With his resolve strengthened he stood up properly and sprinted for the orc. All while the tendrils were still coming for him. But Gabiru ignored them and focused only on the orc. He split down the tendrils coming for him, treating them only as a mere hindrance to his goal.

Once in front of the orc, the orc brought down his axe. But Gabiru was gone, he had no idea where he went. He had no idea that Gabiru jumped up and is now falling back to the ground, spear ready to pierce the orcs face.


That sound rang out through the battlefield. The sound of metal hitting against metal. Gabirus attack failed as the orc general barely managed to block in time with his shield.



The orc tried to bring down Gabiru with two strikes of his axe while he was still on his shield. Even though he did not split Gabiru in two, he still managed to bring him to the ground and with that he was now empty handed.

"A lizardman in his natural state, crawling around on the ground as they should. Now die!" He raised his axe ready to bring it down on his head. Gabiru now lost his spirit to fight, he is ready to die.


Another sound of metal clashing with metal, but this time it wasn't Gabiru on the opposing side. Gabiru looked up to see who blocked the strike that would mean his death. Standing with their back facing him was a short and stubby hobgoblin.

"Who are you?"

(Gabiru does not know Gobta here since he didn't fight him)

"That is Gobta."

"He is the leader of the Goblin Riders."

Gabiru heard a voice coming from his left. He turned to see two massive direwolves. These direwolves were Ranga and Raiga.

"Who are you?" Gabiru asked in a slight panic, as ge didnt know which side the wolves are on."

"I am Raiga and this is my son Ranga. We are loyal followers to Lord Rimuru."

"That human?" Gabiru asked.

"Lord Rimuru is not a human you foolish lizard." Said Ranga as he glared Gabiru, causing him to shiver under the intense pressure.

"Rimuru? Never heard of them. If they wish to go against us then you will all die as the pathetic creatures you all are."

"You think we are weak? Fine then. Lets prove you wrong." Ranga said as he gritted his teeth at the orc.

"Howl!!!" Ranga let out a devastating howl as he used a new skill he obtained recently.

But above the battlefield, there is a figure floating above with a pair of black bat-like wings. Bluish-silver hair that barely reached past their shoulders. They were watching the battle below as they noticed a new development.

'Whoa! What skill is this?'

{This is the individual Rangas wide range skill [Death Storm]}

'This is Rangas skill? He's gotten stronger since the day I met them. Now where are the others?' Rimuru thought as he scanned the battlefield to locate them.

In an instant, Rimuru saw multiple blackish-purple domes of flame appear on the battlefield. Decimating hundreds if not thousands of orcs. This was Benimarus extra skill [Hell Flare].

The next ally of his he located was Sakame. In Sakames hand was a Nodachi. But what surprised Rimuru next was, Sakame coated his Nodachi with red lightning. The orcs charged at him, but that was their flaw as they should have ran. Sakame swung his sword in their direction, discharging the lightning. Similar to Benimarus [Hell Flare] not even ashes were left behind. This was a move he made from his Unique Skill [Thunder].

Rimuru then went to find Kiyoko, luckily he found her soon. Unlike Benimaru and Sakame who are mostly using their skills, Kiyoko was in her fox form. Kiyokos fox form was about as big as Ranga at her full size. She is completely white with streaks of red in her fur. She was merely tearing the orcs apart with her sharp teeth. It was nothing more than a beast reverting to their primal instincts.

'Damn, my allies are completely decimating these orcs. If this goes on any longer the entire army is dead. Better find that orc lord.' Rimuru thought. Scanning the battlefield even more he came across Shion and Hakarous corners of the battlefield. It took about 10 seconds to locate the orc lord.

'Found Him.' Following this Rimuru contacted the others and notified them of the orc lords location. Rimuru flew over to them as well all while still hovering over watching the battle unfold. Just as the ogres and beastmen were ready to confront the orc lord, an unknown presence came down on the battlefield.

"Ahh! Just who do you think you are going against?! Now jus bow down and become food for the great Gelmuds orc lord!"

'Just who is this fool? Seems like Gabiru got his personality from this guy.' Rimuru thought.

"I see now." Said Hakarou

"It was you!" Said Benimaru

"You were at our village!" Said Shion

'So this guy was at their village huh? I wonder if they were at Sakame and Kiyokos village.' Rimuru thought

Benimaru, Shion and Hakarou then focused their attention on this Gelmud fellow. Kiyoko and Sakame were about to join them but I stopped them via [Thought Communication].Instead of attacking the orc lord they wanted Gelmud to suffer for all the pain he has caused. The tortured him to the point where he started pleading for the orc lord to save him.

"Orc lord, help me! Please help me!" Gelmud screamed . It seemed his plea had an effect on the orc lord as he started moving towards Gelmud.

"Haha! You see him now! Witness the terrifying power of the orc lord." Something behind Gelmud was happening as he did not notice it. The orc lord lifted up its cleaver and sliced straight through the Gelmuds neck killing him instantly.

"Well that was.... I don't know how to put it." Rimuru said, confused at to why he killed Gelmud. But to answer his question the orc lord bent down and started and eat the deceased Gelmuds body.

'Thats just plain disgusting.' Everyone had thought simultaneously.

{Notice: The orc lord has now began his demon lord evolution into the Orc Disaster.}

'Demon Lord? So I have to go through an evolution to get to that stage. Great Sage can I evolve into a demon lord?'

{Insufficient Information to determine.}

'Damn it. I need more info for this, I want to figure that out soon.' Rimuru thought, somewhat envious of the orc lord.

'Well anyways will they be able to beat the orc lord?'

{Your allies chances of winning are 20%}

'Not even half a chance of victory. Whats my chances of victory?'

{Masters chance of victory are 90%}

'Looks like I'm fighting huh?' Rimuru then contacted everyone to tell them to not interfere. There were some waves of protest coming from his friends, but he didn't listen.

Getting ready to face the orc disaster, Rimuru took out his finished sword from Kaijin and Kurobe. It was a shiny katana with a black handle, just like how he showed them from his memories.

"[Chaos Eater]!" The newborn demon lord used the same skill as the general that Gabiru fought, with the exception that his aura created more tendrils. They charged straight at Rimuru but he simply sliced them down with his sword coated in [Black Flames]. Upon reaching the orc, he jumped taking a strike at its neck. But the orc blocked it with his cleaver, though due to the [Black Flames], his cleaver melted causing him to back away.

Rimuru, not letting this chance slip by used [Decimate] to destroy the orcs legs, making him fall to the ground. The demon lord was taking awhile to generate, Rimuru as the greedy and gluttonous slime he is used this opportunity to see what he would get out of eating the orc lord.

(If you would like a side chapter on the orcs demise, please comment.)

"[Predator]" Rimuru said simply. In that instant a he spread out over the orc disaster. Soon after the orc was completely absorbed. All that remained was a spiral pillar of slime, which Rimuru majestically burst out of like a butterfly bursting from its cocoon.

In the distance the orcs are now free of the effect from the orc disasters skill [Starved]. A somber tone washes over the orc army as they have lost their beloved king. As well as feeling scared about the punishment they will receive, but they are willing to accept it willingly.

'Great Sage, have I gained anything out of eating the orc disaster?'

{Master has gained the Unique Skill [Starved] as left behind by the orc disaster and the Demon Lord Seed.}

'Hoh, I guess Its time to find out more about this seed.'