
A New Tempest

Like most fan-fictions. This story is my take on the story from beginning to end. This is not a back in time story. No-Op Rimuru from the start. There will be new characters and new skills added into this. As well as I might take other characters from other Anime and turn them into a skill. There shall also be dark and non-friendly Rimuru of course. As well as NO HAREM. So please enjoy.

Astra178 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
41 Chs

A Foolish Lizard Arrives

(Rimuru Perspective)

"Come on Shion, let me look after him for a bit."

"Sorry princess Shuna. But that job is mine currently."

"Says who?"

As the drowsiness feeling was leaving me. I began to wake up to the sound of what seemed to be women arguing.

"Huh? Who are you?" I said to the two unfamiliar women.

"Huh? How cruel Lord Rimuru. You don't remember us?" Said the pink hair woman as she started to shed fake tears. Oh, I think I remember now.

"You are Shuna, right?"

"Yes! You do remember me!" Shuna said happily. Meanwhile one-horn over here was slightly pouting.

"And you are Shion, correct?" After I said that she wuit pouting and was smiling brightly. I transformed into my human form and left the hut to check on things. Leaving them bewildered and putting pouts on their faces as well.

I began to take a walk around the village. I was seeing things that were not here before.I saw who I believe was Kurobe speaking with Kaijin. From what I could hear, they were talking about weapon and armor forging methods. I might ask them to make me a good sword later.

Further down I saw was who I think was Hakarou training some goblins. Ruthlessly. And Gobta is apart of that group. His face was so bruised to the point where you might not even recognize him.

In the distance, standing on a hill and facing the opposite direction, I think they were Benimaru. Who was there observing something I could not see. He seems to have not noticed I was awake. I'll go say hi to him then. In less than three seconds, I am standing right behind Benimaru.

"Hello There!" I said as loud as I could. Seems like I successfully scared him, because he turned around quickly with a surprised expression.

"Rimuru-sama! I am glad to see you are awake."

"Anyways, what are you watching?" I asked as I began to peer over to the other side of the hill.

"I was just watching Sakame and Kiyoko train with eachother." He said as I connected my sight on two people. A man with short black hair and eyes as blue as the ocean, fighting a woman with long white hair with few strands of red and red eyes. She seems to have gained 2 tails, adding up to five. She had boobs the size of Shions. They were both wearing the same thing as all of us.

Upon noticing Benimaru and I watching their sparring, they abruptly stopped and came running over.

"I have not been able to express how thankful I am for this beautiful name Rimuru-sama, thank you!" An angelic voice rang out through Rimurus ears. It held a sense of maturity mixed with that of childishness. Rimuru was close to losing his composure, but somehow he regained it in an instant.

"I-It's no big deal, no need to thank me."

'Damn! To think that she could make me lower my defenses that badly. I need practice.' I was lost in thought until...

"Rimuru-sama" I nearly jumped out of my body. Out of nowhere Souei popped out of right behind me.

"Who's there!? Oh it's you Souei. Is something the matter?" I let out a big sigh of relief. I nearly thought I was about to be assassinated.

"Firstly, I am glad to see your awake Rimuru-sama. Secondly, I spotted a group of lizardman recruiting other goblins from different villages. I expect they should arrive here before long."

Lizardmen? What could they be recruiting goblins for? Well whatever they want, I will not yield before them.

"How long until they arrive?"

"By my estimation, they will arrive within the hour my lord." Within the hour. That may give me some time to get some work done.

"Well notify me when they do. I'm going to be with Kaijin and Kurobe if you need me." I said turning my back and walking to where they are setup.

'Great Sage, did I get a new skill before I passed out?'

{Yes. Master has obtained the Unique Skill [Monster Ruler] the effects are as follows.

Monster Control: The user can control monsters to a certain extent.

Offspring: The user can create monsters that are from their own race. The chance to create a a monster with an ego is 30%

Soul Bondage: Allows the user to revive themselves from any monster of their choosing. Destroys the soul of the monster in the process of revival.

That is all.}

Well that skill sure is useful. But I don't think I want to trade my subordinates lives for my own. I have already have [Source] so I think I'm fine on that front.

By the time I new it, I was already in front of their shop. Upon entering all the noise came to a sudden stop

"Rimuru-sama, it pleases me to see you are alright." Said Kurobe the moment I entered.

"What do we owe the visit, Rimuru-sama?" Kaijin asked.

"I came because I want to request you guys to make me a sword. I have the materials."

After asking my request, they needed to know what type of sword I wanted them to make. It was kinda hard to put into words, so to make it easier I just showed them my memories of Katanas. Once they had a firm grasp of it, I handed them my materials, said my goodbyes and left the shop.

(Rimuru-sama, the lizardmen have arrived. They are located at the edge of the village.) Souei contacted me through [Thought Communication]. I guess now I will see what they want.

(Thank You Souei. I will arrive shortly.) Now I cut the [Thought Communication], and proceeded to walk to my destination. Once there I saw Rigurd, Benimaru, Souei, Hakarou, Shion, Sakame, and Kiyoko all either waiting for me or this envoy.

"Have they said what they wanted?" I asked. Everyone turned around and greeted me upon my arrival.

"No, they have just been stationary this whole time." Hakarou responded to my question. Then all of a sudden, the lizardmen began pounding their spears on the ground. All while a lizardman on a lizard? Began to come forward.

'What is this? Some kind of royal entrance?' This is suppose to be flashy but it is just absurd. How important does he think he is to have this kind of entrance. To add on to that entrance he jumped right up into the air, just to dismount.

"Be glad weaklings! For I the great Gabiru have come to save your miserable hides! Serve me with all your might!"

"""Huh?""" That was all we could say.

"Be glad weaklings, this is the future leader of the lizardmen tribe, you may bow!"

"""Huh?""" How ridiculous can these guys be? You come to our village and expect us to bow? How absurd! Before I could say anything, Rigurd beat me to it.

"Ahem! Gabiru was it? This request to serve you is rather sudden." Rigurd is a better man than I. If it was me I would have snapped on him by now.

"Must I spell it out for you? Please tell me, you have heard the rumors right?"

"What rumors?"

"Rumor has it that an orc army has assembled and are going to be marching through this forest. They will be at this village in no time. Which is why you must fight under me. For I can save your weak selves!"

"Weak.... Weak.... Weak. Wow!" How many times was he going to say that. But this fools eyes just landed on Shion and Kiyokos rack. It seems they have not noticed his gaze yet.

"Ahem! We do know about the orc invasion, in an attempt to push them back we are willing to work with you, but not for you. Do you understand that?" I said so he can remove his gaze from Shion and Kiyoko. If this works, I might have to meet the real lizardman leader. Hopefully it's someone less dumb.

But after hearing my words the foolish lizard just stared at me. Angrily at that. Probably not expecting any sort of back talk.

"And you are? No more than that, what is a mere human doing here? And he dares to speak back to me?"

"First of all lizard, I am not a human. Secondly, I am the leader of this village. And as I have said, we will not serve you. If servitude is what your looking for then go somewhere else."

After I finished speaking he seemed to be boiling with rage. Probably expected me to be submissive to his lizardmen. Then a small smirk crept across his face, as if he just had a great idea.

"Duel me." He said quite arrogantly.

""""Huh"""" everyone said simultaneously. Not expecting such a foolish request.

"Duel me. If I win you and your village must submit to me."

"Fine then. But if I win, we will work with you not serve you." My side seemed to be surprised that I would accept such a dumb request.

The arrogant lizardman readied his spear, meanwhile I on the other hand merely stood there with my hands behind my back.

"Are you not going to take up a weapon? You might fare better." Said Gabiru. I wonder where he even got all of this arrogance from. Is it just because he has a name?

"No, I believe I don't need a weapon. It is because you are weak you see." Hearing my taunts, the lizardman got angrier and instantly rushed at me. Taking stabs at my face, legs, abdomen as well as swinging side to side, as if trying to slit my throat. Even with all these attempts he has failed to hit me even once. This kept up for about 40 seconds, but I grew tired of this. I kicked him in his abdomen, sending him back to his comrades as well as knocking him right out.

""Good Job Lord Rimuru!"" Kiyoko and Shion said.

"Nice!" Benimaru said.

"Well Done Sir!" Rigurd said.

Instantly after my victory was secured, I heard voices of praise and congratulations coming from behind me. If I was any different this definitely would have fueled my ego. Turning back towards the lizardmen, I began to speak.

"Listen up! Take your leader and leave for today. As you saw, I have won the duel, as the agreement went we will not serve you. So take your leader and begone for now." The lizardmen seemed somewhat terrified of my presence after taking down their 'next chieftain'. They grabbed him and left, although with somewhat angry scowls on their face.

"Benimaru. Grab anyone important, I would like to have a meeting about this invasion."

"As you wish."