
A New Otis Milburn: A "What If" Story

A "What If" Story, what if Otis changed, with a little more courage and was more assertive. Let's see how a little courage changes your life for the better. The story begins in season 2 episode 5. The Original story is not mine, and belongs to its respective owners. This is a fanfic, let's have fun. Each Chapter has at least 4,000 words. Except side chapters

AbelWizard · TV
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11 Chs

Parallel Universe: Spin-Off - What If "Bridge"

Hey guys, here I am again. Your favorite author. Well, you must be wondering: "Spin-Off? What do you mean?" And the answer to that, young padawan, you shall have.

Well, I have some ideas in mind, moments of anguish that I had during the series, some moments when I got angry and created in my mind a scenario where things would be different.

During the week, at random moments, I will post some Spin-Offs that didn't inspire me enough to write a whole book but are good enough for a OneShot with a happy ending.

I've mentioned this before. But to be honest, most of my anger with Otis is because I find him very similar to me. In the pathetic, cowardly, and cowardly part.

I managed to overcome this after many, many, many mistakes and missed opportunities, opportunities to get along very well with very beautiful women and my colleagues whom I had a crush on.

But out of fear, I missed those opportunities, I can't cry over spilled milk. But it motivated me to write, I hope you guys like it.

To please everyone, the main chapters will not be affected, they will continue once a week.

I will provide some information before the chapter so you can see what it's about. Well, that's it. Goodbye.


Season 1, Episode 5. (MOTIS)

What if, Otis and Maeve kissed on the bridge; Eric isn't assaulted.



"No therapy! We agreed, remember?"

"Yeah, um... I'm sorry!" Otis apologizes nervously, Maeve always had a way of making him more nervous than he thought possible.

As they walked across the bridge, Otis noticed Maeve shivering a bit, and that's when he realized it was because of the cold.

"You're... Wait, just a minute. I have a jacket." Otis takes one from his backpack and hands it to Maeve.

"What a gentleman," says Maeve as she takes the jacket. Otis, still nervous, says, "There's still a bit of Nutella on it, though... So, not that much of a gentleman."

Maeve puts on the jacket and realizes that the sleeves are way too long. She normally didn't notice this, but Otis was taller than her. Not in a muscular way like Jackson, but in a way that reminded her he was also a man.

"Why do you have such long arms?"

Otis didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He approaches her and says, "I can't help it, and besides, you can just fold the sleeves, silly."

As Otis folds the jacket sleeves, Maeve looks closely at his face.

'His blue eyes, I never noticed, but they're insanely attractive, and his lips look so... Delicious.'

"One down, now... Just one more," Otis, completely unaware of Maeve's gaze.

'He's so innocent, so kind... I've never met anyone like him!'

He finally finishes folding the sleeves and looks back at the usually intimidating girl.

'She seems so... Fragile. I never noticed the height difference between us, she's beautiful. Okay, I admit I like her. You win, Eric.'

The currently blonde girl has a dreamy expression on her face, lost between looking at his blue eyes and his mouth. Otis has the same expression on his face, his eyes divided between looking at her face and looking at her lips.

His body hesitates, but upon seeing Maeve closing her eyes as she leans in, something inside Otis clicks, and he kisses her.

"Mmm." Maeve moans as she feels the passion in Otis's kiss.

Otis's mind goes blank, he can't think of anything else but the softness of Maeve's lips.

Maeve tightly hugs Otis's neck as she intensifies the kiss, their tongues swirling uncontrollably together, Otis wraps his arms around Maeve's waist and without much thought, as if it were the most natural thing to do, his hands go to her behind and grab a large portion of it.

Her behind was surprisingly large and didn't fit in his hand, Otis couldn't believe what was happening. He would think it was a dream, but the softness in his hands and Maeve's mouth reminded him that this was reality.

After a few minutes that felt like reality, the young couple stopped kissing when their breath ran out. Maeve seems to have just woken up from a very good dream but soon remembers something important.

Without leaving Otis's arms. She says, "Damn!" Otis, who was smiling, looked at Maeve worriedly. "What's wrong, do I kiss that badly?"

"Haha, not Muppet. You kiss very well, the problem isn't with you, it's with me. I'm dating Jackson, it's not right for me to cheat on him when we're getting along so well now." Maeve says as she looks at Otis again, somehow managing to avoid kissing him again.

The blonde girl feels very guilty since lately she has been getting along very well with the golden boy of Mordale, their tastes are very similar which makes their conversation very good.

Otis's expression falls for a second before deciding to bite the bullet and say it all at once.

"About that... I have to tell you something."

They release the hug, leaving a void inside both of them that they decide not to comment on. Maeve then looks at Otis seriously and says, "What's wrong, Otis?"

"Well, do you remember I gave you some money yesterday?" Maeve nods. "From a patient I treated without you? Well, he was Jackson."

"What? What do you mean, what did he want to know?"

"Well, he asked me for some tips on someone he wanted to date." Otis continues. Maeve backs away as the conclusion slowly dawns on her. "What?"

"He wanted to know how to approach you! He asked about what you liked, music, books, jokes. Everything. And he wrote down each one. I tried to give the money back but he wouldn't accept it."

"Otis..." Maeve begins to say with anger in her voice but Otis doesn't stop talking.

"Maeve, he treated you like an object. The way he talked about you, disgusted me. Then he asked me for more tips, I tried to screw him over by telling him to make some grand romantic gesture for you to reject him. But then you accepted, and I hated every second of it because I like you." Otis finishes saying and only then does he widen his eyes as he realizes what he just said, he confessed.

"Otis, what did you just say?" Maeve asks with a neutral expression but with a hint of a smile at the corner of her mouth.

Otis gets nervous but doesn't see a better time than this to confess.

"What... That's obvious. And not that important. I like you." Otis looks away from everything but Maeve.

She then holds his face with both hands and says with a small smile on her face.


"I... I like you, Maeve."

"Again." This time, her smile threatened to split her face.

"I like you."

Then she kisses him again, this time with tenderness and affection. Unlike the desire-filled kiss before, this one had a much deeper meaning.

Maeve interrupts the kiss and with a smile on her face, she punches Otis in the stomach. The boy groans and falls to his knees on the ground.

"That's for basically selling me out. It's only not worse because you admitted it, but next time, don't do something behind my back. Got it, Muppet?"

Otis, in pain and a little confused, says. "Next time?"

Maeve smiles at the corner of her mouth as her cheeks turn slightly red, whether from the cold or embarrassment, it cannot be said.

"If you think, now that you've admitted you like me, I'm going to let you off the hook, you're very wrong, Milburn."

Otis remains confused, hope growing inside him but he refuses to create any expectation of being with Maeve, she was with Jackson and...

"In case you hadn't noticed, Otis. I also like you. I have some unfinished business with the golden boy, tomorrow afternoon, we'll talk more about it. Okay?" Maeve says, leaving Otis in shock. She kisses his cheek as she walks home.

Otis manages to snap out of his trance before Maeve gets too far. He says worriedly.

"Don't you want me to walk you home?"

"Better not, I don't know if I could hold back. See you tomorrow, Otis." Maeve says as she walks home.

Otis is left there on the bridge, with a huge smile on his face. He shouts in victory, and even Maeve, who is almost home, hears it. She laughs upon recognizing the owner of the voice.


Arriving home, Otis notices his best friend in the living room. His mother and he seem to be chatting cheerfully about something until they notice his entrance.

"Finally. What was so important for you to cancel our plan at the last minute?" Eric is the first to speak, still dressed up.

He received Otis's message while waiting for him at the Milburns' house. So he decides to wait for Otis at his house instead of going alone. It's very dangerous to go alone and come back at the time they would return. Especially the way they would be dressed, there are many haters out there.

"Eric, I'm sorry. Maeve had an emergency, and I had to help her. I promise I'll make it up to you." Otis says to his best friend, he knows he messed up, but he would hate to lose his friendship over it.

Eric sighs as he puts his hand on his face.

'I don't know if I'm glad Otis is getting close to other people or sad that I'm being pushed aside. It seems like Jean was right, a frighteningly observant woman.'

"Well, it seems like you guys have a lot to talk about. I'll make dinner while you guys talk." Jean decides to leave and give the boys some privacy.

Otis tells Eric about the emergency, and how Maeve wanted to help Ruby among all people because she didn't want other women to go through humiliation like she did.

"A true feminist, she is," Eric says as he smiles at Otis, he quickly forgives his best friend, after all, nothing happened.

The conversation took a happier turn when Otis told what happened on the bridge.

"WHAT?! YOU KISSED ON THE BRIDGE, OTIS. YOU KISSED HER!" Eric was more than excited, he was glowing with joy for his friend.

Otis couldn't help but laugh as his friend shouted and shook him.

"Wait, what about Jackson? My God, Otis. She cheated on her boyfriend with you. You're truly a player!"

"I told her about how I accidentally helped Jackson. She said she'll talk to me tomorrow, let's see how it goes."

Eric and Otis talked all night about the prospects of what could happen tomorrow, Otis's mother drops him off at home, and the two soon go to sleep. The anticipation for tomorrow makes it difficult for them to sleep.


The next day, at the school entrance, Maeve is arriving at Mordale School's entrance. Jackson was waiting for her, and as he approached her and tried to kiss her, he was pushed away.

Jackson smiles, thinking it's just her way, but when he sees her serious face, he loses his smile and asks:

"What's wrong, Maeve? Why the long face?"

"Argh, I should have realized sooner. I even found it strange how you suddenly liked everything I liked overnight. What do you think about that, strange isn't it?"

Jackson starts sweating, but he tries to smile and keep the lie going, not knowing she already knows everything.

"Huh? I could never have imagined that we would like the same things, a very good coincidence, isn't it?"

Maeve laughs and then kicks Jackson in the groin with all her strength.

"Argh, Maeve. Why?"

"Because you're an idiot. I found out that you created this personality to please me when you found out what I liked about Otis."

"That damn Otis... When I get hold of him..." Jackson begins to say before being interrupted by a very, very angry Maeve.

"If you lay a finger on him, I'll kill you. Are we clear?" Jackson shudders doesn't doubt Maeve's words, and quickly nods. "By the way, we're done. I won't be with a liar who knows nothing about me. Bye, golden boy."

Jackson is left there, alone and sad. When one of his friends tries to help him up, Jackson angrily refuses. He gets up on his own and walks to school.

It's unclear what's going on in his mind, but he decides not to approach her anymore to avoid being even more humiliated and hurt than he already is.


Otis was putting away some books in his locker, he closed and locked the locker and noticed that Maeve was by his side.

Startled, Otis says, "Maeve? I hadn't seen you there! Um, what can I do to help you?"

Maeve was smiling as she looked at that face that made her heart beat so fast.

'Those eyes, they're unfair.'

"I need you to come with me, Muppet," Maeve says as she takes Otis's hand and pulls him.

"What? Where are we going?"

"Shut up and follow me, idiot."

Otis does as he's told and soon they arrive at an empty classroom.

"Maeve, what did we come for..." He is interrupted by a hungry lioness, longing for only one thing... The tongue of the boy in front of her.

After kissing for a few minutes, they unfortunately have to stop to catch their breath. At that moment, Maeve decides to tell Otis what she is doing.

"I broke up with Jackson."

"What? What does that mean?"

Maeve laughs at Otis's words and repeats what she said last night.

"It means you're mine, Otis," she says and then kisses him again, and again, and again.

And that's how one moment changed the whole story of these two. They stayed together until the end of high school and graduated from college together. But the rest... is a story they would live together for sure.


Good evening everyone.

I was feeling especially inspired today. Upon seeing an edit of Maeve and Otis and some comments about this bridge scene in question, I decided to write this chapter that was already half-formed in my mind since I watched the episode.

Well, there's no prediction, but whenever I feel like it, I'll be posting these Spin-Offs for you.

See you soon, from your favorite and beloved author…

- AbelWizard