
A New Opening

You’re new to UA and you meet him. Katsuki, moving from England was hard, but maybe he can change that?

ariamairis · Teen
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10 Chs

Chapter 8: All Might’s Daughter

Shigaraki POV

i find out where she is and i set someone to keep an eye on her, we found out her and bakugo were going out. we followed them but they spotted us and left.

i hate smart people. i still want her. i want all mights weakness. i need to wait a couple days before trying anything again. i can't risk it again, at this point i have scratches my neck bare because of this girl. she is the thing i need.


you're still with bakugo in your dorm, you feel tears run down his face and say the truth about how you feel about the whole situation, telling him it will be okay. you feel a sharp pain in your gut again, it happens from time to time since the incident "omg did i hurt you y/n? im so sorry, was i hugging too tight?" "baby you're fine, it happens all the time, it just hurts a small bit but i will be okay." you kiss his forehead and play with his hair and look outside. it's dark and then you look at the clock it's 10 pm already. you lay down and bakugo cuddles you and you both fall asleep.

All Might POV

i need to tell her other wise this could get worse. class tomorrow is my only opportunity. she has an injury from shigaraki similar to mine. but hers somehow made me stronger, her quirks are so confusing. it's like her mother.

The next day in class

"Y/n and bakugo stay after class" they look at each other scared but nodded their heads. i finish teaching and everyone leaves but them.

"okay look, bakugo already knows this, but y/n, you know you were adopted correct?"

"yeah i always have, but what about it?"

"you're my daughter."


"what..." you sit in shock looking at bakugo and he isn't surprised but you were so confused. "is this why shigaraki has such a hate for me..." he nods his head and you are dumbfounded. you don't know how to react but cry, in joy but sadness all at the same time, you knew at birth your mom passed due to your quirks but to know all might was the one she was with when it happened you couldn't take it, you feel bakugo put his arm around you and wipe your tears. "it's not your fault shes gone y/n" you look up at all might and hug him, he hugs you back, as he always wanted to since you were small. "i thought you never wanted me, i thought i was a monster, and that was reason i was put up for adoption.. was that the reason?" "not at all, i was so busy doing hero work, and working toward becoming who i am now, but the government didn't want you to have to deal with having such a strong hero as an absent parental figure." "why, why, i am grateful for my mom and dad who raised me, but why would i be taken away from you, you seemed to be so sad whenever you spoke to me until now." "i was upset because i was afraid of telling you." you look up at him and he kisses your forehead, "i talked to the people who adopted you, i will most likely be retiring as a hero, but UA wants me to stay as a teacher, meaning, i could adopt you and i want to make up for the amount i missed." "they..they agreed?" "yes, i don't know if you want my last name as everything is in the one you have now, and i think it would be easier on everyone if it stayed but it's up to-"

all of a sudden you hear a crash outside the class room. and someone walks into the room.

Shigaraki POV

i get into UA unnoticed, i make a loud sound to get y/n's attention. she looks up at me, she hasn't seen me without the hands on me since we were kids. and i walk up to her, she knew me by Tanaka since i used a surname to go to school. "TANAKA" i see her run up to me and hug me and see bakugo terrified of what just occurred.

Bakugo POV

she doesn't know? SHE DOESNT KNOW?! im freaking out knowing he's the one who hurt her, but she doesn't seem to know. "what are you doing here." i say pissed off making explosions in my hand. "baby calm down, i went to elementary and middle school with—" "that's shigaraki y/n." "WHAT" she pushes him off and backs away.


you never knew the truth about shigaraki's appearance. or so you thought. bakugo tells you who he is and you back away. "you did all of this to me? tana—shigaraki." "i've always wanted you, wanted to be with you, but i'd you knew you'd—" you cut him off and scream. "YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING ME, YOU RUINED ME, YOU EXPECT ME TO WANT TO BE WITH YOU—" he now cuts you off with a kiss and you can hear bakugo screaming and you push shigaraki off. "no. get out. im not doing this."

Bakugo POV

i walk up to shigaraki after telling all might to sound the alarms, and i punch him in the face, he thinks he can get away with what just happened?! and everything else he has done to her. he gets off the ground after the impact and walks backwards, im so confused.

Shigaraki POV

i send a text and feel a warp gate open behind me. "y/n you will be mine again. im not letting you stay with him." and i leave.