
A New Opening

You’re new to UA and you meet him. Katsuki, moving from England was hard, but maybe he can change that?

ariamairis · Teen
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10 Chs

Chapter 7: Shigaraki wants you?

Shigaraki POV

over the past 4 years i have done so much research on who she is, i even went into going through filing for the adoption forms from over 15 years ago now. she now goes by y/n l/n, but her real name was y/n yagi. the daughter of Toshinori Yagi, all might. she somehow possessed so many quirks when her father was originally quirkless. i want to get to him. and she's my gate in. i know she has to have some sort of idea of where she came from. or was she never told her real parents. her mother died at birth. from the strength y/n possessed. and it was apparently why she was

placed for adoption, because all might wouldn't be able to handle her while working as a hero. she was adopted by a family in the UK and they raised her as their own until i showed up.

i have never wanted something so bad in my life that i couldn't get other than her to be mine and all mights death. i feel something click in my head. if she's with bakugo, wouldn't all might have put her somewhere protected if she knew? oh this is going to be even better than i expected.


- [ ] as time has gone on, you've started to heal, from everything that happened in the past, and being able to trust again. you and bakugo were planning

on hanging out, and he told you to west your hero suit , and that he had worked it out with aizawa. you meet him out in the commons and you walk out together hand in hand. and everyone has stared at you for ages, jealousy was a large thing at UA, especially from the other courses. you two walk out and he leads you around and out of campus to a park, where he had set up a date, and more planned afterward. he planned for you to go on a day long internship where you helped

out the heroes around you, and dinner, and more. you could've never been happier.

All Mights POV

I never realized until recently when i saw her train with Bakugo, that y/n was the daughter that was set up for adoption. i need to talk to her, because if i know it, so do others. and i can't risk that. not for her. but soon enough i realize her and bakugo are together, and she's happy, but the risk that might put her in because of her past. is immense. this is not going to be good

Bakugo POV

after everything y/n told me i wanted to do something special i knew she'd enjoy, and i did. i tried my best and supported her through the entire day, working with heroes, eating out in public, which she hates, and finally going to the beach. which was her favorite place. i held her close to me as we walked down the sand, but something in me feels something off. i turn around and see two figures at the top of a mountain. and i tell her we have to leave.


"bakugo what's going on?!" you say terrified "someone's watching us, we have to get back, i can't let anyone hurt you again, im not letting it happen." you hear the absolute fear in his voice. "i can teleport us home, i will be exhausted after but i'll do it." "love but," you cut him off by hugging him and teleporting you both back to UA. as soon as you are there, you collapse to the ground from exhaustion, he picks you up bridal style bringing you inside to your dorm.

Bakugo POV

i text mina to come in and change y/n's clothes because it doesn't feel right to do it. i explain what happened and everyone immediately thought of when the occurrence with the Nomus happened. and i immediately think about what y/n told me about getting attacked. i need to go find all might or Mr. Aizawa.

i run down the hallways trying to find them. and eventually i find all might. and i explain everything. "Bakugo, im going to tell you something. Y/n is my daughter. and i need you to not tell her just yet until i figure everything out." i stood there amazed, that's why she's so powerful. "really? she's asleep alone in her dorm. i need to get back to her, does anyone else know" im terrified of what he's about to say "as far as i know, only the other teachers. but i can't be positive. protect her." i nod my head and run back to her dorm, when i get there i hear her voice and minas. i knock on the door, and open it slightly. "bakugo?" "yeah it's me" "come in please" i walk in and run up to her and hug her tighter than i ever have. im terrified to lose her.

she held me close thanking me for protecting her and worrying about her but telling me she's okay. she can tell how scared i am, she asks mina to leave, she nods and walks out. i climb up next to her still not letting go and i feel tears start to fall. "bakugo, baby, im fine i promise, all i needed was some sleep." "teddy bear that's not it, there's so much going on, the LoV not only tried to attack us, but now i know they attacked you, but i can't even think straight without worrying about you getting harmed." she sits there holding me close and pulls my head up and kisses me "baby if i could protect myself then, i can now, pinky promise, im stronger than i was then. it'll all be okay." that's what she told me, but truly i didn't know if she was being honest.