
The First Run

They made it to the front doors but Jay told her to wait as he walked into a room off to the side. While Nova sat to wait for his return, a man walked around the corner and smiled when he saw her. "Nova! I am Doctor Wains. It is good to see you up and about. How are you feeling? Any pain?"

Nova gave him a wolfish grin at his friendliness before she nodded. He frowned slightly and then clarified, "That means your feeling good right, no pain?" After Nova nodded again and a smile returned to his face. "Good! I'll see you around the pack hopefully?" Nova nodded a third time and then he turned and left the lobby just as a large black wolf came out of the room Jay had gone into.

Nova's red wolf form approached the large black wolf with slight awe. He was massive! I truly only came up to his shoulder, and barely that. She circled him once while his blue eyes observed her. He seemed so strong and she liked it, Dawn most certainly liked how strong he seemed. Suddenly Nova looked away and asked Dawn, 'Why do we feel like this? It doesn't make any sense, I have never felt like this around a guy before.'

'I don't know. Maybe it is because he is hot, a werewolf, and has been nice to us,' Dawn suggested.

Nova rolled her eyes before responding, 'Still, it doesn't make sense,' Her eyes widened and she was suddenly glad she was in wolf form because otherwise, she would be the color of a tomato, 'Oh no... I was totally just openly checking him out. That is so awkward. Is he looking at me weirdly?'

Dawn giggled and replied, 'I don't know, turn your head and see.' Nova couldn't help but roll her eyes in response, but still slowly turned her head to glance over at Jay. Her head quickly ducked away as she saw his eyes looking at her. 'Dude!! He was just checking us out,' Dawn celebrated as she let out a little happy howl in her mind.

A light touch on her shoulder brought her head back to look up at Jay who was giving her a wolfish grin. 'He is so cocky,' Nova commented as she rolled her eyes and walked away from him and toward the front door. Luckily, the door swung open just as she approached so she didn't have to think of how she would open it and instead just swiftly moved out the door. Of course, in her rush, she ran straight into someone's legs.

Luckily, they managed to move to the side as a deep voice exclaimed, "Wow!" and she was able to escape the doorway and into the outdoor air. She turned around to see a tall man with dark brown hair watching her with amusement in his brown eyes. Nova dipped her head slightly while lowering her ears in an apology and raised it again when he gave her a warm smile and a nod. The man had a very powerful aura about him, and yet one that seemed to call out to her.

Jay came out of the door and looked up at the man who smiled at him. Jay's tail wagged slightly as he moved his gaze to Nova who instantly dropped her front half and wagged her tail. He instantly reacted by moving toward her, but before he could reach her, she turned and ran. While Nova hadn't yet been to this part of the forest, she knew which way to run to go home.

Nova could hear Jay chasing her and she didn't have too big of a lead. She decided to surprise him and ran straight for a tree which she then jumped at and pushed off. She twisted her body in the air and ended up landing on top of Jay who grunted from the unexpected impact. Nova rolled off of him and quickly started to run once more. Behind her, she heard Jay let out a small growl before once more pursuing.

After a few more maneuvers, Jay was eventually able to catch up and tackle Nova. The two rolled sideways for a bit before coming to a stop lying next to each other. Both their mouths were open panting while their tongues lulled out the side. The spark that she could see in Jay's eyes warmed her heart. Of course, the moment just had to be ruined as Jay suddenly leaned forward and sloppily licked Nova's cheek.

Her head pulled back for a second before she lunged forward and head-butted his shoulder before running off. Behind her, Jay let out a sound similar to a laugh before he quickly followed her. Nova let him catch up and soon they were running side by side through the woods. The smell of a rabbit caught her attention and her stomach rumbled slightly. 'Hunt,' Dawn quickly commanded. Nova rolled her eyes but turned toward the rabbit anyway.

Nova and Jay moved swiftly upon the rabbit and took it down. It didn't make for a bad breakfast, perhaps not traditional but still good enough. Once they finished eating, they continued their journey to Nova's house to get ready for school. They were probably going to be late, but no one would care. In fact, some may not even notice or think it strange, at least for Nova.

As they approached her fence, they slowed down to a stop before Nova went behind a tree. Nova could hear the pops coming from herself and the other side of the tree. Some may think the process of shifting sounded incredibly painful, but in truth, it felt more like a much-needed stretch or like when you pop your back or neck back into place.

Nova finished pulling on the tank top and shorts and was about to return around the tree before she hesitated and asked, "You decent?"

A chuckling, "Yeah," was her only response from Jay, but it was enough assurance to move around the tree. Her eyes landed on the dark-haired and blue-eyed Jay wearing shorts and a t-shirt and she couldn't stop the smile from filling her face. 'Yum,' Dawn commented quietly as she saw how the shirt just happened to emphasize the muscles on his arms.

"Like what you see?" Jay smirked at Nova as her face turned red at his words. She had been caught checking him out, again.

Trying to save face, Nova rolled her eyes and said, "Whatever helps you sleep at night wolf boy."

He laughed before looking toward the fence which was barely visible through the trees, "So, I'll see you at school?"

Nova grinned at first, but it soon fell into a frown as she thought of all the other kids. They would assume so many terrible things if Nova started to hang out with him. Then there was her reputation, even if it was false, how would those rumors affect Jay?

Looking up, she realized that Jay's eyes were furrowed slightly and his lips pulled down in a small frown. Nova sighed as she realized she would probably only make his frown deeper, "Umm, maybe we could keep our friendship quiet for now?"