
A New Life From God

Died to an incurable illness. A god decides that he deserves another chance. With a new life, in a new world.

A_New_Author · Fantasy
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39 Chs

Chapter 13: The Visitor

It was dark. Nothing but darkness. Am I dead? My body is too tired to do anything. I can't even open my eyes. What was that light? I know it came from myself, but just what was it. Was it magic? Did I use magic without even knowing how to?

I thought to myself for a long time. I'm not dead it seems like. I'm not in the white void I was in when I met God, so I can't be dead. But why am I not dead? Where did Hedrif go? Why hasn't Hedrif killed me? Did the light do something to him? I hope so, but things always don't go the way I want it to go.

Simon. I thought of him. Why did he jump in front of me? Why did he do that? Why? Why? Why? Simon, I want you to tell me why.

That's when I heard something make strange noises. Like a dying animal almost, but was louder and deep. What was making that sound? Was it making that noise before? If so, why haven't I heard it?

I open my eyes. It was nighttime and there was a waning crescent moon right above me. Meaning that it's been about a week since the fight.

[Orion: A week. I wonder what I'll see when I sit up.]

I'm a bit hesitant only because Simon is right next to me, and I don't really want to know what he looks like right now. On the other hand though, I needed to know what happened to Hedrif. Did he escape? Is he dead? Is he waiting? I need to know about him.

I stayed still for a few more minutes, before finally I sat up. Simon was at my feet, and just beyond him was the demon I hate the most in this world. Hedrif. From the looks of it he was alive, but wasn't awake yet, so that's good for me. I stand up as silently as possible and move around Simon's body. I positioned myself to Hedrif's backside. I slowly creeped up on him.

That's when I noticed, he's paralyzed. His eyes weren't there anymore, it was just an empty void.

[Orion: How did this happen? Was someone else here? Did the light do this? If the light did this, then it has to be light magic. Shouldn't they be healing though?]

So many thoughts came in and out of my head. There's no point in trying to figure this out. I have to finish him off. Where were his hearts again? I went back to sword, trying to remember where his hearts are. He had three, I remember that, but where were they. One was where it normally would've been.

[Orion: Crap. My swords all messed up. I'll have to get another one.]

I look at Simon's waist, maybe he brought one with him, when he went to go hunting. Simon did indeed have a sword with him.

[Orion: I'm really sorry Simon. I really am.]

Tears started falling from Orion's face and fell on top of Simon.

[Orion: Why did you save me? Why?!]

I shook his head, I need to get something done first. Hedrif was still making those weird sounds. I turned towards him.

[Orion: One is where a heart should normally be at.]

I stood over him trying to use the very little light the moon was giving off to see where I was stabbing.

The sound of the blade slicing through the demon's body was so satisfying. I scared myself with how pleasure I was taking from this. I slapped myself before quickly finishing the job. Onto the next heart. As I was doing this, Hedrif was still making weird noises, but it was as if he couldn't feel what I was doing.

[Orion: One was in the throat, right?]

Maybe I'll shut him up while I'm doing this. The blade goes through the demon's throat with some resistance.

[Orion: Alrighty now. That's two down and one to go. The last one was um... it was in the intestines, I think?]

I go to where his intestines' should be. I'll just have to get lucky for this, or stab him multiple times. The blade goes through slowly. I feel around for it, and at the same time I can feel all the muscle being sliced apart as I look for the heart. I felt it. A beating heart. There can be no hesitation.

[Orion: Goodbye, Hedrif. Return to the hell you came from.]

I stab in as hard as possible. The strength left my arms as I finished.

I finally killed Hedrif.


Six months have passed since the death of Simon and the demon. After I killed Hedrif, I buried Simon in the back of the house. I also ate some of Hedrif, only because I was starving, and he was right there. Though that's when I figured out, demon meat is not only nasty, but it hurts. When I ate it, it felt like someone stabbed my chest and stomach at the same time.

Every morning when I wake up, I'll go to Simon's grave and sit there for a while and then go back inside to go eat breakfast. Then after that, I'll go hunting for dinner. Yeah, I don't know where Simon got the food from, so I barely survive on my own. Everyday repeated like this for the past six months, but today something different happened. Someone came to the house. The first person, other than Simon, that I have seen. He was really short, like a foot shorter than me, he had dark brown hair, and brown eyes.

[Orion: Hello. Can I help you with something?]

What does he want though? He can't just come here for no reason.

[??: Oh, are you Orion?]

How the hell does he know my name? Is he some kind of spy? Where is the closest weapon? I don't want to kill the first person I've met since Simon, but I will protect myself if I have to.

[Orion: Yes? I'm sorry, but was there something you needed.]

[??: Oh no, not at all. I just came here to check if Simon was alright. He hasn't came to buy anything for quite a while and I was getting a bit curious. So I came here.]

Is this how Simon gets all of the food. I mean, I guess that makes a lot more sense. But I have to tell him what happened to Simon.

[Orion: He's dead. I'm sorry to tell you this, but Simon died while protecting me from a beast attack six months ago.]

[??: Oh that is truly saddening. Are you alright? Do you need anything?]

[Orion: Oh yeah, I'm still sad, but I'm alright. And I am running a bit low on food actually.]

[??: Ok, that's good. I have a supply basket right here. It's only a weeks worth, but this is as much as I can give you for now. I'll be passing by again in two weeks from now, on the road to the south of here. But for now I have to go, goodbye. It was nice meeting you, Orion.]

[Orion: You too, Mister-]

What's his name? I can't believe I didn't ask for his name.

[??: It's Martin. My name is Martin Gardiner.]

[Orion: It was nice seeing you too, Mr. Gardiner.]

Well I guess I don't need to worry about food now. But now I need to find the money to buy the food.

[Orion: The money would be in Simon's room wouldn't it.]

And so I went to his room, for the first time in over six months.

Hope you liked the chapter!

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