
Chapter 4 - First Day

UA hero course, only 1 in 300 applicants get in each year, of those who pass they are further divided into two classes of 20, I am currently standing outside one of the classrooms, 1-A, my new home away from home while I am here studying to become a hero. 

As I enter the classroom, I notice there aren't many students here yet, seems I am earlier than most but not the earliest. Amongst the students that were already here I noticed the robot glasses kid that was kind of a helpful jerk at the entrance exam. 

He seems to be sitting like a robot statue in his seat, so I ignored him for now and took up my own seat. On the board was a seating chart, I am not sure why we were seated as such, but I took the seat fourth row over and fourth seat back, a protagonist seat if I do say so myself.

[Author's Note] This seat was Minoru Mineta's seat in the original plot but due to Adeline's presence he didn't make the cut for the hero course and got pushed down to general studies. [End of Author's Note] 

As I took my seat, I noticed the next person to enter was my new friend, as far as texting so far is concerned, the lovely and perky Toru. Since giving her my number after the practical, we have texted and talked on the phone a couple of times, but we have not progressed our friendship any further, hopefully in class we can.

"Hey Toru, glad to see we are in the same class."

Toru notices me and walks over with her peppy steps. I ignore the attention of the other students who looked my was from my loud talking.

"Hey Adeline, ya it's awesome we are together, too bad we aren't next to each other but at least we are in the same row!"

"Very true, hopefully the people seated around us are friendly."

As those words left me mouth, I felt eyes in the side of my head, as I turned to see who was staring, I noticed the robotic glasses guy standing right next to us.

"Um, hello?"

"Hello, my name is Tenya Ida I-I'm from Somei Private Academy it's nice to meet you both."

I don't know why but I was kinda just stunned by this interaction, back in America most kids didn't just walk across the room to introduce themselves, but I guess these Japanese kids are different. Toru thankfully responded first before my silence could be seen as rude.

"Hi Ida, I'm Toru Hagakure it's nice to meet you, this right here is my friend Adeline Kobayashi."

"Oh, ya I'm Adeline Kobayashi, it's nice to meet you."

"Yes, it's nice to meet you both, you say you are friends so does that mean you went to middle school together?"

"Oh no Adeline and I only met during the practical, she helped me take down a high point villain and afterwards she gave me her number and presto we have been friend sense."

'Right just as Toru said."

I was happy Toru said I was her friend, I guess this makes it official, my first friend since moving. I thought this as a small smile appeared on my face.

After our short introduction with Ida, a few more students came in, Ida also went up to them and gave an almost exact introduction to them. I was starting to think he really was a robot or cyborg or something, if he was it was a really realistic one.

"Somei?! A Stuck-up elitist, then? I should blow you to bits!"

That statement defiantly caught my attention. At the front of the classroom was a spiky haired blonde kid with his feet on the table, he was being very loud and pretty much just threatened Ida because Ida went to a nice school. This kid seems disturbed, I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall at his interview.

"Oh no why that seat?"

"Toru, why the long... face?"

"Well, it's just that loud blonde kid just now, he sists right behind me, what if he decides to blow me to bits?!"

"Oh... that is unfortunate, well thankfully he will just probably ignore you due to your quirk but if he gives you any trouble I'll kick the crap out of him, after all nobody messes with my best friend!"

"Best friend?"

"Oh, well you're my first friend since moving to Japan and you seem so nice and I really like your personality and I like talking with you so I just kinda came out like that, sorry if you don't like that..."

I started panicking.

"No! I-I'm p-perfectly fine with that, ide love to have you as a best friend!"

I smile at her and I assume she is smiling back, damn ide love to know what she looks like, maybe she has a picture of her pre-quirk self or something. Future questions I am sure.

"Oh, look it's the green haired kid, you know that one that destroyed the zero pointer!?"

As I say this, he must had heard me because he instantly freezes in the doorway and turns beat red. This of course turns into a yell and jump when the floaty girl appears behind him and startles him. All of this of course get everyone's attention on him. Especially the blonde-haired kid that threatened Ida, he seems extra mad now.

Good for both of then, glad they made it.

"If you're here to socialize, then get out."

This gruff monotone statement causes the class to silence as a face poking out of a cocoon sleeping bag came into the classroom. Everyone took their seats as he removes the cocoon.

"It took eight seconds for you to quiet down. Time is a precious resource. You lot aren't very rational, are you? I'm your homeroom teacher, Shota Aizawa. Pleased to meet you.

He's our homeroom teacher, what kind of teacher arrives in a sleeping bag, well one that probably slept here but still that's really odd! As I am thinking this, our teacher dumps a pile of track suits onto the ground.

"Quickly now. Change into your gym clothes and head out to the grounds."

The class quickly got their gym clothes from the pile and went to change, once we did, we headed to the field, for what? I have no idea.


 """A test of our quirks?!"""

The whole class pretty much asked this question as our teacher Mr. Aizawa explained to us what we were doing out here.

"Um. what about the entrance ceremony or guidance sessions?!"

The floaty girl whose name I know is Ochaco Uraraka now made a fair point.

"No time to waste on that stuff if you want to become heroes. UA is known for its 'freestyle' educational system. That applies to us teachers as well."

Mr. Aizawa then went on to explain how we would be doing all the events Japanese students normally did in middle school except now we would be able to use our quirks when doing them. American schools didn't do anything of the sort, so this was a first for me, but I didn't think it necessary to bring that up for now.

We would be doing: softball throw, standing long jump, 50-meter dash, side to side stepping, seated toe touch and grip strength.

"Bakugo, how far in middle school could you throw the softball?"

"Sixty-seven meters."

"Great now try it with your quirk, do whatever you want just don't leave the circle."

With that statement, Bakugo smiled evilly before throwing while yelling.



Die? A massive explosion left Bakugo's hand as he threw the ball sending it far into the distance.

"As your teacher and for your own knowledge it's important for us to know your limits. That's the first rational step to figuring out what kind of heroes you'll be."

Aizawa held up a device that showed how far the ball was thrown, it displayed 705.2 meters. That was insane, such a huge difference in distance and that quirk is defiantly powerful. In the pit of my stomach, I grimaced as it hit me how tough it will be to stand out when there are other quirks just as amazing as mine if not more so.

"Kobayashi are you ok, looks like you tasted something bitter?"

The frog like girl Asui spoke to me in a caring manner, most of the girls introduced themselves in the locker room when we changed so I knew their names now.

"Huh? Oh, ya I'm good Asui just realized how awesome some quirks really were."

"Awesome... You say? Mr. Aizawa spoke up. "You're hoping to become heroes after three years here... and you think it'll be all fun and games? Right then how about the one with the lowest score across all events will be judged a hopeless... and will be expelled."


The class obviously was surprised at this, I mean kicked out on the first day, that seemed extreme to me especially because I didn't mean awesome as fun and game either I felt even worse now.

"Your fates are in my hands. Welcome, this is... the Hero course at UA High!"

"The lowest score will be expelled? It's only the first day! Thats totally unfair" I spoke my mind to Aizawa I mean no matter how hard we try someone will be kicked out and if it happens once couldn't it happened again?

"Natural disasters, highway pileups, rampaging villains. Calamity is always right around the corner. I'd say Japan is full of unfair things. Heroes are the ones who correct all that unfairness. If you are hoping to spend your evenings hanging out at WacDonalds in-between and after classes, then I'm sorry to tell you that the next three years... UA will run you through the ringer. Thats Plus Ultra."

I mean I know he is right, but I mean seriously the first day?

 The first event Ida smoked everyone in the 50-meter dash with 3.04 seconds. His quirk is called ◊Engine◊, he essentially has engines in his legs that let him run super-fast. My classmates used a variety of quirks from jumping to a laser shooting from their stomach in order to get across the finish line, I mean if it works then it works. I ended up writing boost runes on my shoes, my quirk basically means what I write on an object imbues it with that I say and the more details about the feature I want the most stable, accurate and powerful the effect will be. So, for this instead of just writing just boost I wrote that for each steep to maximize the available boost each step took for 50-meters. This ended up being a great idea, I destroyed the Yaoyorozu girl with a time of 4.74 seconds, about half a second slower than Bakugo.

 Second event standing long jump, Asui got first in this event, her quirk is ◊Frog◊ and it makes it so she can do whatever a frog can do and jumping falls in the category. I changed my boost from 50-meters to make it boost one time just before I leave the ground. Even with that I only got 6th after: Asui, Uraraka, Bakugo, Ojiro and Tokoyami.

 Third event was grip strength. I wasn't wearing any gloves, so my quirk was useless here this one was won by a guy named Sato he was a buff guy with big lips apparently his quirk was turn sugar into extra power ◊Sugar Rush◊.

 Fourth event side-to-side stepping, I actually won this one with my boost rune.

 Seated Tow Touch was the fifth event and while I couldn't use my quirk here, I am pretty athletic and am not lacking muscles, so I was able to beat all of the girls and a couple boys at this.

 Last event was the softball throw and as Bakugo had set a benchmark at over 705 meters, he sat this one out this time around. I pretty much wrote on the ball to boost out of my hand and fly until it reached 1000 meters which I thought would net me 1st place and while it did help that for a while, two surprising kids made me rethink myself. When Uraraka came up she just made the ball float up and got a infinity symbol on the display, I mean come on how is that fair. Then last but not least Midoriya who as far as I know hasn't used his quirk at all the entire day.

As Midoriya came up to throw he had a contemplative look on his face as he stared at the ball and with an intense yell he threw it will all his might and it went an amazing... 46 meters. The look on his face was clear with confusion as was mine.

"I 'erased' your quirk. That ridiculous entrance exam... completely irrational when you consider someone like you who destroys themselves got in."

Midoriya looked is surprised at this and announced that he finally recognized the teacher.

"You're the Eraser Hero: Eraser Head!!!"

Myself as well as everyone else beside Midoriya had no clue who that was but apparently his quirk can erase quirks when he looks at someone, scary. Thankfully its only temporary.

"I saw it... How you can't control your quirk. You would just be incapacitated again. Were you hoping someone would step in to help afterwards? It would have inconvenienced those around you... Way back when, a certain hot-blooded hero saved over a thousand people during a disaster. He made himself a legend. You've got the same reckless streak but unlike him you're totally useless after saving one person. Izuku Midoriya. You cannot become a hero with that power of yours"

Silence overtook everyone.

"There I gave you your quirk back, let us get this over with."

The students were awash with conversation at Midoriya washing out as well as talk about Aizawa's comments. I though as well as Bakugo kept my face pointed at Midoriya. After what I guess was contemplation Midoriya threw the ball with yell "SMASH!" as the ball flew 705.3 meters narrowly beating Bakugo. However, this time his arm wasn't broken only his finger, Midoriya gave a triumphant look and Aizawa looked pleased as well. The look that had me intrigued by was Bakugo's face he was in a state of bewilderment before lunging at Midoriya but just before he could reach his target Aizawa wrapped him in the scarf he was wearing.

According to Aizawa it's a capture weapon that he uses made from a special alloy. I wonder if could make something similar? I'll have to ask him later on for more details.

Once Bakugo calmed down and was released, Mr. Aizawa shared the scores. Who will be expelled and how did I compare overall?