
A New Hero in MHA

Adeline Kobayashi has grown up wanting to be a hero, to fight crime save the damsel and look cool in a sweet costume while doing it. With her Quirk of Runic Inscription see what she does to become a power hero. Note: Some spoilers for My Hero Academia Note: I do not own the rights or properties of My Hero Academia or its characters, this is for entertainment purposes on what I would want to happen if I were in MHA universe. Only character I own is the MC Adeline and her personal story. Also, unless in certain cases honorifics such as chan, san, sensei, etc won't be used for the most part. If you prefer those honorifics, please leave a comment and I might add them in more often. This is not Cannon

KumaBear27101 · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 3 - Entrance Exam pt. 3

 As I arrived at the office where my interview would be taking place my nerves were wrecked, a mixture of panic, excitement and unease swept through my body but as soon as the door opened I knew that this was my moment and as I walked in my nerves and breath calmed.

"Greeting miss Kobayashi please have a seat, as you may of may not know I am the Pro Hero Cementoss, I am also one of the teachers here at UA as well as play a variety of other roles throughout the school including being one of the interviewers. Do you have any issues with that or any questions before we get started?"

"No sir please ask me anything you would like."

"Good, just so we are clear this interview will be recorded so it can be reviewed later on, especially in the event of a point tie between two students or other factors at play that require it. Now let us begin."

The interview process went through question after question, why I wanted to be a hero, what area of hero would I be deployed into as: support, disaster, villains. These types of questions were easy for me to answer as I had been dreaming and thinking of these things for years now. 

Want to be a hero like my dad that can save the damsel in distress while in a cool costume.

Ide be able to be deployed as any kind of hero or scenario with how divers my quirk is.

Sure my first answer may not be the textbook answer but its better to be truthful and wrong that to give a generic answer but not mean it. After a series of other questions it came time for scenario type questions based on morality choices for both in school activities as well as future hero work. They were pretty lengthy so I wont bore you with them but a lot of them were real tricky and to be honest I am not sure what the right answer was on a lot of those, if they even had right answers at all.

"Well I think we are done here miss Kobayashi, thank you for answering all of my questions, this with your written exam and practical will be combined and once we have your results as well as all other examinees we will let you know. The result letters will be sent out one week from today so please keep an eye out as first day of school will be three days later."

"Thank you Mr. Cementoss I look forward to the results and I can't wait to start!"

I flash my toothy grin as I leave the room and head to the train to go home. I didn't see Toru outside so nor have a gotten a text from her. Oh well hopefully I'll see or hear from her soon, she would be a nice friend to have.

As I opened the door to my house my mom and dad were right there and immediately barrage me with tons of questions.

"Oh Adi are you ok, are you hurt anywhere? You didn't miss your train did you?"

"Adi, I may not have gone to the UA entrance exam but the one I went to in California wasn't a cake walk, I know you kicked butt and I believe in you. However just so you know we are here for you no matter what."

As my parents hugged me and continue with there rapid fire questions and support I hug then right back close my eyes and smile.

"Thanks mom and dad, I did awesome today, I love you both."


     In a room far from the hugging family of the Kobayashi's a dozen people were having a meeting. Anyone who saw this group would be amazed at so many heroes being in one room, they were of course the faculty for UA.

"Now let us move on to our next finalist a miss Adeline Kobayashi."

A short white mouse, dog, person said to the group. Those you didn't know him would be confused as to what he was, why was he wearing fancy clothes and how could he be speaking. Those in the room though new him as Mr. Nezu the UA principle.

"Well for the written portion she scored high, in the top 2 percent so there are no issues with her intelligence aside from Japanese history so I believe we can move on the villain fight."

A monotone and gruff voice sounded from under his black and unkempt hair.

"As far as the mock city battle lets have a look at the highlights shall we. From this we can see that her quirk as very versatile, she was able to use it on both her clothes, support items and robots. From a combat view she scores high marks and she destroyed the 5th most robots in the test as far as quantity is concerned."

Nezu commented on the highlight footage as heads nodded.

"That's all find and good but what of the hidden rescue portion, did she get any in that?"

"Yes Thirteen as a matter of fact she did, while not the most she did get some from assisting some other examinees in destroying robots and even yelled to get them away from the zero point robot at the end also while it didn't add to the rescue points she did attempt to save young Midoriya from falling."

"Thank you principle, so Cementoss any issues in the interview?"

"No Thirteen she seems at least from her answers that she would make a fine hero in most locations and scenario's as long as she doesn't freeze up in the real world. She even gave a very candid and honest answer when asked what she wanted to be a hero for. All in all I approve her interview results."

"Well then everyone I guess we have our answer."


     One week has passed since the exam and still no letter.

"Did it get lost? Was their a porch pirate of something? Did I fail so badly that they didn't bother sending one? Toru got one this morning, she passed which is great for me but where's mine"

As the day continued on into night these thoughts and pressed further and further into my head to the point of me pacing all throughout the house and worrying my parents.

"Ding Dong"

The sound of the door bell froze my entire body mid step, I couldn't move a muscle. I was like a statue as my mom went the the door. In that minute of her answering the door I thought a whole year had passed.

"Adi it's from UA and its for you!"

My mom handed me the letter and I grabbed it gently, like it was the most precious item in the world. With both of my parents waiting in anticipation I opened it slowly and took out a small disk.

"Huh? I though this was a lett..."

"This is a Projection!!"

Before I could finish by statement All Might appeared with his loud voice booming. The All Might, Japan's #1 hero and one of the most famous heroes in the entire world was now appearing as a hologram in my house.

"Why is All Might here?"

I asked aloud but before my parents could answer All Might himself answered.

"As you may be wondering what I am doing here, it's for one reason only. I've come to teach at UA!"


My parents and I shouted out loud at this. I mean holy crap, the #1 hero was going to teach at UA at the same time I was hoping to go, I felt so lucky."

"Well now the exam was in three parts, written, practical and the interview and you passed all three, Congratulations miss Kobayashi you have been accepted to UA's Hero course, below are the results of your tests, I look forward to teaching you. See you in three days!"

With that he disappeared leaving only a projection of the results:

Written 192/200

Practical - Villain Points: 45 / Rescue points: 7

Interview - Passed/ Recommended for Hero course

Rescue points? I knew it, there was some other way to get points in the exam but rescue? I don't really remember rescuing anyone. I helped Toru and a couple others take down dome robot villains and yelled at a few when the zero pointer came but is that really worth 7 points? In that case the green haired kid might have gotten some points from saving the floaty girl, good for him.

As I was going over my results I was bear hugged by two overly affectionate parents.

"We knew you'd pass, thank god. Congrats honey!"

"I had every faith in you, ignore my attempts to call your cousin Emi in a few minutes to have her ignore my earlier request."

"I told you two ide pass, geez. Now all that left is training to be a hero and getting that sweet costume, oh and passing school of course."

As I continued being hugged, we all smiled, laughed and celebrated into late at night. I finally did it, I passed and was now one step closer to my dream. Becoming a hero.