
A New Era of Villain (DC/Marvel)

Previous Title: In DC as The Strongest Anti-Villain (DC/Marvel) "The moment you hit me, you lose." The MC has obtained the ability of an Overpowered Character from the Marvel Comic Universe to "infinitely copy and infinitely stack," but accidentally crossed into the DC world. In this case, let us imagine being a free and turbulent villain. Not my Web Novel, but it is my only favorite Chinese novel. The Real author Name is Marvel King. I am just translating it. Cover photo is not mine.

Rex_Zatch · Anime & Comics
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172 Chs

Chapter 60 Teach to behave properly. (Rewritten)

"Why hasn't the Legends team returned yet? Is it really taking so long for them to travel through time? Do they really consider themselves as policemen?" Stephen muttered, glancing at Hippolyta. "Whatever you've been withholding for so long, just say whatever you want to say."

Hippolyta pondered for a moment and asked, "Did you really come from the future? What will happen to Paradise Island in the future?"

Stephen curled his lips and said in a bored tone, "I figured you'd ask that. When Diana leaves Paradise Island and defeats Ares to become Wonder Woman, Paradise Island will become a symbol. I don't know about the others, but Steppenwolf will make a comeback and come to Paradise Island to reclaim the Box that you've guarded."


Hippolyta looked startled, recalling the battle that happened long, long ago when humans, gods, Atlanteans, and even extraterrestrial beings joined forces to repel Steppenwolf and his army. If Steppenwolf returns, how will Paradise Island resist?

"This is the difference between the New Gods and the Old Gods. Steppenwolf alone poses a challenge for you. Steppenwolf hails from Apokolips and serves Darkseid, the New God of Apocalypse, despite Darkseid being his nephew. But who caused his brother-in-law Yuga Khan to become obsessed with the Source Wall and get trapped there? That's why Zeus died, and the Old Gods perished because they couldn't defeat him. If he didn't want to perish when defeated, he had to clip his tail and hide," Stephen suddenly chuckled, thinking of an intriguing speculation. Would Zeus have known that the New Gods would replace the Old Gods, so if he lacked strength, he would produce more offspring, ready to fight in case of failure?

What if things go wrong? Like Wonder Woman?

"What in the world is the Source Wall or the Wall of Origins?" This was the second time Stephen mentioned the Wall of Origins.

Before, Steppenwolf was repelled by the power of the gods and even the assistance of alien friends. But what about the more formidable Darkseid? And where is Darkseid's father, Yuga Khan? Hippolyta suddenly felt a sense of foreboding about the future.

"The source of everything."

If Stephen remembered correctly, the Wall of Origins or Source Wall is the boundary of the known DC universe. Beyond the wall lies the Source, the origin of all answers, the source of all existence, and the force that created the gods and beings like Superman.

The origin of life for the first Lantern beasts of the Seven Lantern Corps. The essence of existence also stems from outside the Wall of Origins. The Wall of Origins possesses unique characteristics.

Anything in the universe that touches the wall becomes stuck to it. Living beings become unconsciously trapped there, like vegetative individuals, such as Yuga Khan, the father feared even by Darkseid.

And only Yuga Khan, the God of Origins, managed to move up and down from the wall, bypassing its grip, but he died on his own and was ensnared once again.

Being stuck on the Wall of Origins isn't without benefits. At the very least, it shields one from the effects of universe resets.

After all, events like The Flash's time reversals occur when the mess becomes unsolvable.

Who made them fast enough to do that?

Speaking of speed, the Legends team is really slow!

"The source of everything? Then..." Hippolyta attempted to continue asking Stephen but interrupted herself with impatience. "Alright, I'm not sure why, even if it is true, why would it be bedtime reading material? It's almost like something your daughter would ask."

Hippolyta's expression froze. Could it be understood as a bedtime story?

Stephen was frustrated by the sluggishness of the Legends team and simply turned around and headed back.

As soon as they returned, they heard lively applause and witnessed Artemis engaged in combat with Diana. Despite their differing fighting styles, one being a newly awakened demigod and the other a recently empowered goddess of strife, their skills were almost evenly matched.


"My Lord."

The commotion abruptly halted, and the intense fight ceased when Stephen and Hippolyta came into view.

"How's it going?" Stephen casually asked Artemis.

Artemis excitedly replied, "It's amazing! It feels like there's an endless surge of power, and even though I'm not fully proficient yet, I can become stronger."

"My Lord, may I challenge you?" Artemis asked eagerly.

Stephen smiled and raised his hand.


Artemis instantly felt a searing pain in her head and collapsed to the ground.


Even though she was caught off guard, she couldn't even perceive Stephen's movements clearly. This power... he seemed to effortlessly incapacitate her.

"You can pretend to be powerful with others, but not with me. If you pretend, you'll meet your demise," Stephen remarked lightly, leaving everyone dumbfounded and shocked.

This was a lesson in how to behave. Even Eris was slain by Stephen, let alone Artemis, a newcomer who had only recently acquired her powers.

Diana helped Artemis up. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine," Artemis replied, shaking her head, still feeling a bit dizzy.

"There are intruders!"

A startled cry, a sudden sound that startled everyone. Another intruder?

A whistling wind came from above, and a battleship slowly descended from the sky, its gusts making it difficult to keep their eyes open.


The battleship landed, and the hatch opened slowly.

Rip Hunter, captain of the Legends team, wearing a trench coat, descended with Sarah White Canary, Captain Cold Leonard Snart, and Heatwave Mick Rory.

"Hello, everyone on Paradise Island. Please don't be alarmed. We're not here to cause trouble. We're here to find Stephen!" Rip Hunter addressed the uneasy Amazons around him, hastily explaining.

"Are you the Legends team?" Diana asked.

Rip Hunter was taken aback and nodded. How did they know? Did Stephen inform them?

Damn, what has Stephen done!

Rip Hunter pondered, but before he could gather his thoughts, Diana rushed towards him.

"Don't move! We mean no harm. We're here to help you resolve the trouble."

"It's the trouble you brought to Paradise Island."

With a cold snort, Diana charged at Rip Hunter, knocking him down. Captain Cold Leonard Snart and Heatwave Mick Rory prepared to retaliate but were swiftly subdued by Artemis, who had joined the fray. Sarah White Canary observed the surrounding Amazon warriors with interest, raising her hand.

"Capture them all and bring them before the Lord," Artemis said coldly.

"May I ask? Who is your Lord?"

"Lord Stephen!"

Oh my God, what has Stephen done?


Marvel King: Real Author

Fake Author/Translator Zatch[King]Rex


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