
A New Era of Villain (DC/Marvel)

Previous Title: In DC as The Strongest Anti-Villain (DC/Marvel) "The moment you hit me, you lose." The MC has obtained the ability of an Overpowered Character from the Marvel Comic Universe to "infinitely copy and infinitely stack," but accidentally crossed into the DC world. In this case, let us imagine being a free and turbulent villain. Not my Web Novel, but it is my only favorite Chinese novel. The Real author Name is Marvel King. I am just translating it. Cover photo is not mine.

Rex_Zatch ¡ Anime & Comics
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172 Chs

Chapter 59 I am not interested in being the god who was killed by me in one punch! (Rewritten)

"Source?" Artemis inquired, her gaze fixed on the mesmerizing golden light. "What is the source?"

"I only heard that the source is a symbol of divinity. Possessing the source grants the powerful abilities bestowed by godhood," Hippolyta replied, struggling to recall when she first heard about it. She had always considered it nothing more than a legend, for she had never witnessed the death of a god or seen the source herself.

"The source originates from the Wall of Origin, also known as the Source Wall," Stephen's voice instantly captivated everyone's attention.

Stephen stowed away the golden lasso and extended a helping hand to Diana, who wore a complex expression. If Diana's earlier complexity stemmed from Stephen's claim that she was the only one, it now derived purely from the realization that she had been overthinking—Stephen was referring to a golden lasso!

"What is the Wall of Origin or Source Wall?" Hippolyta inquired curiously, hearing the name for the first time.

Not only Hippolyta, but everyone was curious to know.

However, Stephen showed no intention of explaining and instead pointed at the source hovering in the air. "I killed Eris to obtain these sources and could become the new god of strife, but I have no interest in being a god who can be defeated with a single punch by me."

Not interested in being?

Not interested in being a god?

This was a god; they had all witnessed Eris's awe-inspiring display of invincible and unmatched power just moments ago. Yet, upon further contemplation, it seemed somewhat reasonable. After all, while Eris, the goddess of strife, had been immensely powerful to them, had she not been easily dispatched by Stephen?

Who would view strengths weaker than their own?


"My lord," Artemis replied.

Stephen smiled and said, "This source belongs to you."

"Me?" Artemis pointed to herself in surprise. If she obtained the source, she would acquire godhood and become the new goddess of strife. Did this opportunity truly belong to her? She instinctively glanced at Diana standing beside Stephen, wondering why it wasn't bestowed upon her.

"Don't want it?"

"No, no, I just..."

"What about your swift loyalty to me? What about your decisive act of handing the God Killer Sword to Diana? If you don't seize the source, it will return to the Wall of Origin," Stephen suddenly turned to Diana with a chuckle.

Diana was momentarily taken aback, then noticed Stephen lifting her up.

"Our business is not yet finished, darling."

Stephen laughed and carried Diana back to the room, yet this time the anger and resistance previously visible in Hippolyta and the others' eyes had vanished. Instead, a myriad of complex emotions emerged, even Diana herself hesitated for a moment before ceasing to struggle.

Once again in the room, thrown onto the bed once again, Stephen pounced on her again.

This time, Diana neither bit Stephen nor moved her hands. Instead, she pushed him away with both hands and spoke earnestly. "You can no longer force me. I still cannot forgive the harm you caused to Paradise Island, nor can I forgive you for pressuring me. But... you saved Paradise Island today. As long as you do not destroy it and liberate my people, although I won't forgive you, I won't hate you anymore!"

"So, everything I did before is completely erased? Including using the Golden Lasso to manipulate you?" Stephen paused and asked.

"Yes!" Diana replied.

"I disagree!" Stephen grinned.

"You disagree?" Diana looked at him with bewilderment. "Why?"

"Look, firstly, my status as a slave owner will disappear. Although I don't mind, it's evident that I'll be the only one suffering. Secondly, you only mentioned that you no longer hate me, but you didn't say I can continue pursuing you. Regardless, you won't forgive me. You can't stop me, so why should I give up the pleasure of having you just because you claim not to hate me anymore?" Stephen chuckled and held Diana's hands.

"The most painful thing for people is not the lack of what they desire but rather not knowing what they truly want. I know all too well that what I want right now is you, so why should I endure the pain? Besides, I'm willing to take the risk of losing. Since you failed the challenge, you have to bear the consequences and accompany me in having a child. What's wrong? Is the mighty Amazon princess afraid of treachery? Isn't that what Hippolyta taught you?"

"So, please continue hating me."

"No, you can't..."

Diana yelled and struggled, but failed to halt Stephen's determined and forceful actions. Once again, she was coerced.

After a while, Diana pushed Stephen away and, pointing at him, shouted with disgust and anger, "I hate you! I swear in the name of the Amazon princess that I will never give up, and I will make you pay!"

"So, does the challenge's agreement still stand?" Stephen rolled over and lay back, relaxed, as he gazed at the enraged Diana and asked with a chuckle.

Throughout the process, Diana resisted and struggled, but it was precisely this resistance that made Stephen reluctant to stop. It was no wonder that some people enjoyed dominance, for whether it was resistance or compliance, it brought about a sense of conquest.

"I hate you!"

Diana declared fiercely and turned to leave.

"Is that avoidance?" Stephen grinned and muttered.

After Diana stormed out angrily, she abruptly stopped. In the midst of the crowd, Artemis sat on the ground, enveloped in a faint golden light.

"Is that the source? Has Artemis acquired the source to become the new goddess of strife?" Diana curiously inquired from her mother, who approached her.

Hippolyta nodded. "It seems so, but she still needs time to acclimate to this power. Diana, are you... alright?"

Diana shook her head.

Hippolyta sighed and refrained from further questioning.

She needed to talk to Stephen.

About Eris, the gods, about the Wall of Origin—Hippolyta had a feeling that Paradise Island might not remain as peaceful as it once was...

Hippolyta definitely wouldn't approach Stephen immediately after her daughter left, especially considering she had to attend to the situation with Artemis.

After all, this might be the birth of the first god on Paradise Island. However, Artemis showed no signs of awakening anytime soon, so when Stephen came to visit Artemis at noon, Hippolyta took the initiative to act as his guide and show him around.

It had to be said, Paradise Island was undeniably beautiful. Many places renowned for their pristine landscapes would likely pale in comparison to this place. Stephen believed that Felicity would undoubtedly adore this place. So... should he try to steal the Wave Rider from the Legends team?


Real Author: Marvel King

Translator: Zatch[King]Rex