
A New Beginning- The Mikaelsons

20 years after Stefan's death, Damon and Elena are married. They are living their life as humans, with their daughter Stefanie. Stefanie is now 17 years old and doesn't know anything about vampires,werewolves, witches or anything else in between. She learns about them, when two young brothers come in town for a fresh start. Unexpectedly, she finds herself between the two Mikaelson brothers. A story in sight of Stefanie Salvatore with plot, adventure, drama, romance and action.

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20 Chs

How Can You Be In Two Places At The Same Time?

tefanie's POV

Now I'm at school, eating lunch with Thea, Elijah and Klaus. After a long day, I needed to pee.

- Hey, I'm going to the toilet, and the bell is about to ring in...5 minutes. Then I'm going to class. See you all later!- I told them.

- Okay, See ya!

- Bye,- they said.

Thea's POV

- Hey, Thea!- Stefanie said, when we were heading to class.

- Yes, Stefanie?

- Um, I'm feeling very tired...how about we skip the next few classes, and have some real fun?- she said.

- Skip classes? But Stefanie, we never skip classes! What will our parents, and teachers say? We're the best students in our year! Oh, come , let's get to class.- I said, surprised by her question.

- Come on Thea! We never skipped classes. Let today be the first time we do that. We deserve it. We have learned too much for our exams, and we both got very good grades. Come with me. - she said, grabbing my hand, and pulling me out of the school.

- Where are we going?

- You'll see, when we get there.

- Stefanie?

- Yes?

- You have a different....I don't know...way of speaking? The accent...you never speak like that...- I said,because she never speaks with a british accent.

- Oh, um... it's nothing, I've been watching a movie, and I wanted to speak like that girl, with a british accent. I love this accent. I've been working on it...- she said.

- Well, that explains Elijah...and Klaus...

- Thea!- she said, laughing with me.

We had some real fun. We went to a clothing store, bought some beatiful dresses, then we got to a fast food and ate hamburgers, then we went to a pub...

She kept asking me about herself, Elijah, Klaus and the school. After Stefanie asked me, she looked me in the eye and told me to forget everything she asked me. But how? I couldn't forget just because she asked me to!

Stefanie's POV

After I went to the toilet, I got to class. German. It was weird because I didn't see Thea there. We usually have german together, and she never skips classes. What was going on with her? She probably had an urgence at home...


After a few classes, I went home. Elijah had less hours than me, so he got home earlier.

I got dressed to go with my mother, in the Maxwell mansion to registrate for the Miss Mystic Falls Pageant. I said that this was my mother's dream since I was born. That my aunt, Caroline had won Miss Mystic Falls. And that I wanted, if not to win, at least to participate. And I was accepted.

Surprisingly, Thea didn't show up. She told me she will register for Miss Mystic Falls, too. Something must've happened. So I texted her.

Hey, Thea, are you okay? What happened? Why did you skip classes today? And did you registrate for Miss Mystic Falls?

What do you mean? Oh, crap, I forgot about the pageant! You told me to skip school, to have some real fun. We went shopping, and ate, and went to a pub...

What?! No, I was at school. I did not skip any classes today!

Come on Stefanie. Don't act like you don't remember. Did your parents scold you for skipping school?

I did not skip school today! Are you out of your mind?! I would never do that!


I realised, that tomorrow after school, me and Elijah, as my partner, should get to the rehersals for the Pageant.

I called him, and told him for the Pageant and that we should go to The Maxwell's to rehearsal with the others, for the dance. The girl, should always have a partner to dance with.

My mom and I searched through all the house, but we couldn't find a proper dress for the ocasion. We needed to go shopping.


Today, me and Elijah should go to the rehearsals for Miss Mystic Falls. Now we're going there.

- Honor your partner.- Meredith said, after we all got in position. - Right hand around. Flirt with your eyes!- me and Elijah looked each other in the eye all the time, and did exactly as Meredith said. Sometimes we even laughed at each other.

- Left hand around! Now both hands!- Meredith said. My leg tripped, and I almost fell on the ground, if it wasn't for Elijah, he catched me with his hand on my waist, 2 inches apart from the ground. I smiled at him. He smiled me back.

- Beautiful. But there's no touching during this part. It's just about the intimacy of the near touch.- she said. Me and Elijah looked at each other in disbelief, but then we did as Meredith said.

I looked around, but I didn't see Thea around. What was going on with her? I will tell Elijah after this dance. Something must have happened. This isn't Thea.

Something did happen. Thea thought she skipped classes with me. And she forgot about the Pageant. How was that even possible?

Then something suddenly came into my mind. It was her. The person that looked exactly like me. The person Klaus told me about.
