
A nanny or girlfriend

After series of breakups, Kylie is determined to live a single life so she moves away from home to live a single life alone. She has to work as a nanny with a billionaire who is also a single father, Louis Vale. What happens when she finds out that she has once had a past with him?

Benedicta05 · Urban
Not enough ratings
15 Chs


It was the sound of a gun that pulled us apart and I flushed in embarrassment.

"Kylie?" he placed both of his palms on my cheeks, raising my head so that I was looking into his eyes. "You are gorgeous," he said softly and I didn't know how to respond in a way that it wouldn't be more awkward than it was already. "You don't have to give me any response, I'll be willing to wait." I nodded, still tongue-tied and he smiled.

Another gunshot was heard, followed by the crunching of dry leaves which was obviously due to someone's shoe and fear ran through my spine. Louis looked through the window at his back and held he held me firmly as pulled me with him.

"Ryan, right?" I asked limping behind him and he nodded his head affirmatively.

Lucky for us, we came upon a little room that was used to store foodstuffs, which were stacked on top of each other. After Louis had ensured that the door was locked, we began hearing the gunshots getting closer and I began panicking.

'What if we get caught, Ryan would never spare us because he would be happy to blow off our heads.' I thought and I began to doubt if we were going to escape Ryan's wrath.

Louis must have noticed my discomfort because I felt him squeeze my fingers reassuringly and I looked up at him to find him staring at me with an emotion I couldn't quite place. We had both been lost in each other's gaze when we heard the front door break open and I jumped in fear. We also heard grunting and more gunshots in the room and I didn't know what to do so I began pacing back and forth anxiously in the little room.

"Kylie," Louis called quietly but I was already having panic attacks. "Kylie." he kept calling me but I didn't answer him. " Kylie," he said sternly and this time he pulled me to himself thereby engulfing me in a hug and I began sobbing quietly. "We are going to be fine," he whispered into my hair as he rubbed my back, soothing me.

Soon we heard footsteps approaching where we were and Louis pulled me to hide in a corner of the room that was surrounded by highly stacked foodstuffs. In the safety of the foodstuffs, we saw the hinge of the door being rattled fiercely, and before we knew it the door was broken open. A huge man, who was one of Ryan's thugs entered and began searching through the room. My breath hitched when he began to approach where we hid and I felt Louis trying to get out. I held his hand and shook my head but he smiled and pecked my forehead before going out.

Now visible, the thug lunged for him but Louis was fast to punch him in his ribcage, making the thug stumble backward. Yet he didn't give up as tried punching Louis's face but Louis used his hand to knock him on his nose. it was then I noticed something shiny in Louis's hand.

'A gun?' I screamed in my head. 'Where in the hell did the gun come from?' Lost in my thoughts, I was oblivious to my surroundings, until I heard a gunshot and I flung my head over to the men fighting to see that they were both pointing a gun at each other's head but they were alright and I grew confused. ' I'm dead sure I heard a gun but they both look unscathed.' I wondered as I began looking around me but saw nothing until I saw a bag of grain, not far from where I hid pouring away.

'One of them must have missed.' I said looking back at Louis but couldn't find the thug and I heard grunting. On the floor lay the thug holding his arm and I swept my gaze back to Louis who cocked his gun and the thug on the floor stopped moving.

Beckoning to me, I went out of my hiding spot to his side and we both went out, past the dead body. Outside we saw more dead bodies on the floor.

"Why were they against themselves?" I wondered aloud.

"I don't think so." Louis bent down to one of them. "Andy came here." he simply said getting back on his feet.

"Andy? how do you know?"

"My men were also killed," he said and I nodded my head in understanding. "It seems like your leg has gotten better."

"Yeah," I replied looking down at my feet. "The pain has subdued." I paused looking back up at him. " A question?"

"Shoot," he said leading the way as I limped behind him.

"Where did you get a gun?"

"I've always had it," he said and I stopped dead in my tracks. "Is anything wrong with me having a gun?" he asked looking back at me.

"You mean," I began slowly. "You've had a fucking gun with you this whole time and you didn't blow the asshole and his thug's damn brains out since when this shit started?" I asked unbelievably and he chuckled as he made his way back to me.

"I've been waiting for the right time."

"This is just so incredible." I scoffed. "We could be at home right now instead of experiencing hell but you've been waiting for the right moment."

"True, but I needed to get some things right," he said and I kept silent as I didn't know what to say. "You wouldn't want to know what my thoughts were before I was also kidnapped." he said and out of nowhere he pecked my lips and I stood there stunned."I just need you to trust me." I nodded my head dumbly and he smiled.

"Well, well, well, isn't this the right moment?" A voice said startling me and as if on cue we flung our heads towards the direction of the voice.

★★★★★★★★ Helen POV.★★★★★★★★

I paced around the house as anxiety took over me as the conversation between Andy and I kept going through my mind.


"I can't take my mind off the question of how you and Louis meant to each other as children," Andy said as soon as I entered from an errand.

"Wha....what do you mean?" I stuttered as the question was unexpected.

"Surely you must have something that reminded you of him when you weren't together for you to identify yourself as his childhood friend."

"I am not just any friend." I defended.

"Did I say, friend? My apologies, I was meaning to say his childhood love, at least both of you must have shared things as kids. Unless...you have none and have been pretending all this while to be what's not."

"Yes," I said a little bit quicker and immediately regretted my action.


"No, I mean no." I fidgeted.

"Don't try to get me confused. Do you mean yes or no? please try to be more specific."

"No, I am not pretending." I gulped as my throat got dry. "I am his childhood love, his first love so why should I pretend? Since you are his best friend, he must have told you a lot about me. Also, the things we've shared in the past stay between Louis and me and I'll appreciate it if you stop sticking your nose in our affair, it is none of your business. Don't pass your limit." I warned.

"Why are you getting so defensive?" he asked standing up from the couch he has been sitting on since I entered.

"Well, I tend to get defensive when people don't mind....." I was cut off by the ringing of his phone.

"Yes," he said into the phone as he picked it up. "You're sure it is him." he looked at me suspiciously. "Keep tailing him and make sure he doesn't get out of sight, I am in my way," he said before dropping the call. "Well continue this discussion later," he said making his way out.

"It is about Louis, right?" he halted and nodded his head before leaving.

**************FLASHBACK ENDS.***********

Now I have known no peace since Andy stepped out of the house. Unable to contend it again, I decided to take action. Picking my phone and purse I made my way out of the house but I didn't make it to the gate when I was stopped by one of the guards assigned to watch over the house.

"Where are you headed this night?" he asked

"I need to get something." I lied.

"At this time?" he paused looking at his watch. " I'm sorry but you can't."

"Why can't I?"

"Orders from Andy," he said before leaving me alone.

Frustrated I went back into the house and thought of what to do but couldn't come up with any. Picking up my phone I tried a number.

"Animal!" I said when he didn't pick.

After some time I gave up and went to the kitchen to find something to eat before I went to bed.