
A nanny or girlfriend

After series of breakups, Kylie is determined to live a single life so she moves away from home to live a single life alone. She has to work as a nanny with a billionaire who is also a single father, Louis Vale. What happens when she finds out that she has once had a past with him?

Benedicta05 · Urban
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15 Chs


Kylie POV.

I had finally convinced Louis to watch a movie with me after we got back early from work.

" Movies that tell of romance are shit." He said when he had settled down beside me on the three sitters.

" Says who?"

" Says, Louis Vale. And I don't still get why ladies are so mad about such movies." He grumbled.

" Can you please keep your voice down? The movie is about to start."

" What are those tissues for?" He pointed to the tissues on the table.

" Obviously, for crying," I said rolling my eyeballs.

" What...wait who's crying?"

" Me and maybe you," I said as I dumped it on him.

" Wait.....no I'm not sure about that." He said giving the tissues back to me

" If you say so." She said taking it back.

" If you want me to watch this with you and to even cry along I'll do it." He said and I looked at him confused, only to see him smirking." But we'll need to strike a deal first."

" A deal?"

" Yeah, an agreement that if I stay here with you and watch this till the end, tomorrow I'll make sure we don't spend too much time at work so we can come home and watch a horror movie together."

" Horror?" It was my time to get horrified.

" Well, if you don't agree," He paused, standing up from my side." I guess I have to go to bed now, there's work tomorrow."

" Wait," I said as I grabbed his hand and pulled him back to his seat. " I.....me.." I paused as I looked at him thinking he'd cancel the deal.

" You what?" He raised his eyebrows at me.

" Let me think about it first."

" There's no time to think, Kylie. The movie is about to start so it is either a yes or no." He teased me.

" Well...I think I can deal with it."

" Does this mean you're in?"

" Yeah, I am."

" A romantic movie it is then." He said as he grabbed the popcorn and faced the screen.

******************************************Louis POV********************************************

As expected, the movie was full of unbelievable shit, it was almost the end anyway when I felt something touch my shoulder. It was Kylie who had fallen asleep for God knows since when but she had looked peaceful while sleeping.

It had been a week and a few days since Kim had traveled to Glodine and so much has already happened which made Kylie stressed and worried. I had suggested that she should take a week's break but she was too stubborn as she bluntly refused. She was a puzzle I wasn't likely to solve as l couldn't quite understand her, she was laughing this minute but she was crying the next. Despite the issues that she had she and I got along really well.

As I carried her up the stairs, she kept murmuring some words in her sleep.

" No.no don't go.... you'll come back for me?"

"I love you too David." She said before she smiled and finally got quiet, getting back to sleep.

Whenever she mentioned that name, David it always rang a bell in my head and it confused me because I don't get the connection between me and the David she keeps mentioning. When I had dropped her off, I went into my room and the picture by the corner caught my attention. It was a memory that I had of my childhood with the girl I had loved as a child but I can't remember how we had met in the orphanage and many more.

In the past, I was told that I met with an accident which had included me hitting my head so bad that as a result had memory loss. I was also told that some of my memory would return while some were fine forever and with time my memory came back to me but not fully. A part of my memory that had gone was most of my time with my childhood friend. Surprisingly, these past days with Kylie, she had unknowingly helped me as I was beginning to recover some of the memories that included my childhood love.

Touching the picture, I smiled and wished that I could get back my memory.

***************************************Kylie POV**************************************************

I had called Louis to tell him the truth after much thought and face reality.

" Why did you call me?" He said as he climbed down the stairs

" Take a seat," I said when he got to my side.

I began having a second thoughts when he spoke up.

"Is anything the matter?"

" After telling you this you might hate me afterward but for now I will need you to calm down and listen to me very carefully."

" You're scaring me, what's wrong?"

" Well..... I just want to say that I'm..." I was cut short by the ringing of his phone.

" Excuse me." He said before leaving the room. pick up the call.

A few minutes later he rushed inside my room beaming brightly.

" What happened"

" You know my childhood love who I always told you about, Martin said he found her." He said and I was shocked to the bone.

" Did he tell you where she stays?"

" No, he didn't go into the details"

" So what now?"

" I'm going over to him to see if I can get more about her."

" Can I come with?"

" Yes, you can." He said and not long after we were on our way to meet Martin.

At my side, Louis kept worrying about how she'll feel when she saw him.

" Do you think she'll remember me?" He asked as he focused on the driving

" I don't know."

" Where is she?" Louis asked when we reached Martin's hideout.

" Calm down, she'll soon be here."

Soon, a lady entered and my mouth went wide open, she looked so much like the girl in the picture.

" Hi, Louis." She beamed at him.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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