
A Mutant Collector Quest

Lucas Watson, once an ordinary soul from Earth, now finds himself reincarnated in a heavily AU (Alternate Universe) Marvel world as the elder brother of Mary Jane Watson. Armed with meta-knowledge and a stroke of divine luck, he has ascended to billionaire status. Lucas plans to leverage his wealth and technology to navigate this perilous world, but destiny has other plans. As his latent mutation awakens, a new chapter of his life begins, thrusting him into unforeseen challenges and adventures. *** This is an ongoing SI Quest of mine on Fiction live site. So if you want to join me in the quest or read ahead you can find me there. *** The story is quite slow paced as it is a Quest and not a regular webnovel. But there is tons of smut and Harem here. *** Warning: The Story contains Incest, Grooming, Netori, Harem and many more hard core themes. You have been warned from the start *** There are 10 advanced chaps on Patreon and all the chapters with NSFW images are also there! There are [EX] Extra/Exclusive chapters for my supporters on Discord and Pa-treon. *** Support me if you can!! The Ko-fi Link: https://ko-fi.com/avi2112 The Pa-treon Link: https://www.patreon.com/Avi2112 The Discord server Link: https://discord.gg/Rbja9sKV8Y *** A/N: I do not own Marvel or any of its characters other than my OC.

Avi2112 · Movies
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104 Chs

Chapter 66: Dum-E


Five years ago

The gymnasium buzzes with excitement as students showcase their science projects. Posters and models fill the room, but one exhibit stands out – a sleek, sophisticated robot arm performing precise tasks with impressive dexterity. A crowd gathers around, watching in awe.

Toni Stark, the guest of honour for the school's 50th science fair, dressed in her signature stylish yet casual attire, strolls through the fair, her interest piqued by the robot arm. She approaches the booth, where a 13-year-old boy adjusts the controls.

"Hello," Toni greets, her eyes fixed on the robot arm. "This is quite the piece of work. What's your name, kid?"

The boy turns to face her, his eyes wide with recognition. "Lucas Watson, ma'am," he replies, trying to hide his excitement.

"Ma'am? You're making me feel old," Toni jokes, a smile playing on her lips. "What's the name of your robot?"

Lucas smiles slyly. "His name is Dum-E."

Toni's eyebrows raise in surprise. "Dum-E, huh? That's a name with some history. You know, I built a pair of robot arms called Dum-E when I was about sixteen."

"Yeah, I read about that," Lucas responds, his excitement barely contained. "I thought it was a fitting name for my project."

Toni inspects the robot arm more closely. "You've got a good grasp of robotics and engineering for someone your age. What's this little guy's specialty?"

"Well," Lucas begins, pointing at various components, "Dum-E here is designed for multifunctional tasks. He can assist with precision work, handle delicate materials, and even help with assembly tasks. I incorporated a feedback loop system that allows him to learn and improve his efficiency over time."

Toni nods, clearly impressed. "Feedback loops, huh? Not bad for a school project. Where'd you learn all this?"

Lucas shrugs modestly. "I've been reading college textbooks and some papers online. I guess I just love learning about science and engineering."

"You remind me of myself at your age," Toni remarks, a touch of nostalgia in her voice. "I've got a workshop at home with a pair of Dum-E arms that would probably blow your mind."

Lucas's eyes light up. "I'd love to see them! I'm free right now, the science fair is kind of boring anyway," Lucas adds, looking at Toni with puppy dog eyes.

Toni chuckles, shaking her head. "You're a bold one, aren't you? Alright, pack up your stuff. Remember, to bring along your Dum-E too."

"Got it! Thank you, Ms. Stark," Lucas exclaims, barely able to contain his excitement.

"Call me Toni," she replies with a wink.

A hidden, excited smirk spreads on Lucas's face, concealed from Toni's gaze.


"Woah, is that a limited edition Audi R8? Sick!" Lucas exclaims upon seeing the car Toni takes him to.

Toni smiles at the kid's excitement.

"Don't you need to call your mom or dad to let them know you'll be late getting home today?" Toni asks, raising her eyebrow.

"Umm, I don't have a dad now. They got divorced. I just live with my mom and little sister, but it's fine; I didn't like him much anyway," Lucas mentions nonchalantly.

"Oh," Toni's expression turns sympathetic for a second, "You should still inform her," she suggests.

"It's fine. I was going to go to my friend's place today, so she's not expecting me home until late anyway," Lucas replies casually as he goes over to the R8, trying to get a look inside.

"Alright, get in then," Toni smirks as she opens the car door.

"Woah, it looks so cool inside too," Lucas exclaims with excitement.

"First, get your seatbelt on," Toni instructs as she starts the car.

"But you're not wearing yours, Toni!" Lucas points out.

"I'm a professional race car driver, so I don't need it!" Toni proclaims proudly.

"Alright, fair enough," Lucas grumbles as he puts on the seatbelt.

"Why don't you tell me more about yourself and your family?" Toni inquires with interest as they drive down the road.


The car pulls up to Stark's mansion, and Lucas steps out, his eyes wide with awe.

"Your house is soo huge!" Lucas exclaims.

"Welcome back, Ms. Stark," a computerised voice greets from a speaker by the door as it opens on its own.

"Is this house AI-controlled?" Lucas asks in mock surprise.

"Yes, meet Jarvis," Toni mentions with a smile as they enter.

"Toni, I need your signature on—" A blonde, professionally dressed woman interrupts herself as Toni and Lucas step into the room.

"You brought a man, and a boy at that, back home?" Pepper looks at Toni with an accusatory gaze.

"Lucas, meet Pepper, my assistant. Pepper, this is Lucas, a brilliant boy who I have invited to see my own brilliance," Toni remarks with a smirk.

"Oh! Hello, my name is Virginia Potts, a pleasure to meet you, young Lucas," Pepper greets with a simple smile as she reaches out her hand for a handshake.

"Just call her Pepper," Toni quips with a smirk as Lucas shakes Pepper's hand.

"Why are you called Pepper?" Lucas asks innocently.

Toni's smirk widens, and Pepper sighs as Toni begins retelling the story about how Pepper went straight to Toni's office with a pepper spray one day while leading them both downstairs to her lab.

"Welcome to Candy Land. I built everything here myself. Except for the Porsche—that is 3D printed," Toni declares proudly.

Lucas' attention is immediately captured by the state-of-the-art technology and numerous gadgets.

Toni introduces Lucas to her workspace, filled with cutting-edge technology and prototypes. The original Dum-E arms move around, working on various tasks with their characteristic clumsiness.

"Meet the original Dum-E," Toni gestures to the robot arms. "They're a bit clumsy, but they've got heart."

Lucas watches the arms in action, a smile spreading across his face. "They're amazing. Can you show me how you built them?"

"You're a curious one, aren't you?" Toni laughs. "But sorry, I don't have much time; I have to run a big company, you see," Toni remarks with a sigh.

"Yes, she has a meeting with Justin Hammer in an hour," Pepper chimes in from the side.

"Tell you what, let me give you some lessons first," Toni hurriedly pulls Lucas to her worktable upon hearing Pepper mention the meeting.

Pepper just sighs as she postpones the meeting for tomorrow.

As Toni explains the intricacies of the Dum-E arms' design, Lucas listens intently, absorbing every detail. He asks insightful questions, further impressing Toni.

"You know," Toni smiles at Lucas, "with your talent, you could achieve great things. Just keep that curiosity alive."

"I will, Toni. Thanks for showing me all this," Lucas replies earnestly.

"Anytime, kid. Let's see what else we can tinker with today," Toni suggests, leading him to another project.

As they continue their tour of the workshop, Lucas hides his satisfaction. His plan to gain access to Stark's world has succeeded, and he knows this is just the beginning.

As the sun sets, Toni and Lucas are seated beside a worktable, sharing a pizza.

"Toni, can I come here tomorrow too?" Lucas asks quietly.

"Don't you have school, kiddo?" Toni questions, raising an eyebrow.

"No, my summer break starts tomorrow, so I won't have school for nine weeks!" Lucas exclaims excitedly. "And I don't have anyone else I can share all these things with. The kids at school don't talk to me much," Lucas confesses awkwardly.

The more Toni hears and stays with the kid, the more she is reminded of her own childhood.

"Alright, but just for tomorrow," Toni relents with a sigh.

"Yesss!" Lucas exclaims excitedly as he takes a bite of pizza. A victorious smirk plays on the corner of his lips.


"Ughh, Luke, you've been coming here for a week now, and I don't mind that, but you can't just bring your luggage here and tell me that you're going to stay at my house for your whole summer break!" Toni exclaims in exasperation.

"But Pepper agreed," Lucas says innocently, pointing at Pepper.

"Do not bring me into one of your arguments," Pepper sidesteps, leaving the room with a small smile.


"So you're saying that the Arc Reactor can work and can definitely be miniaturised? How can you be so sure? The arc reactor is just a dead project of my father," Toni states, shaking her head.

"You can do it. I am sure of it, Toni. You will definitely achieve a miniaturized cold fusion reactor in the future, I am sure. You can just use palladium or some other radioactive element as its power source, maybe even discover a new one," Luke asserts, looking at Toni with absolute trust.

Toni just raises her eyebrow at the kid's confidence in her.


"Toni, I seriously think that you should kick Obadiah out of your company. I don't trust that man. He looks like a villain from just his face. He must be illegally selling your weapons, and he must also have a hidden agenda of getting the whole company for himself," Lucas insists.

"Who, Obadiah? He's harmless. He's my father's old friend, and he was the one who kept the company stable in my father's stead after his passing," Toni shakes her head.

"Why don't you just keep an eye on him, and whatever happens, don't trust him!" Luke says with seriousness.

"Sure, kid," Toni responds nonchalantly, returning to her drink.


"If you can make that arc reactor, you can create cool Mechas like this for yourself!" Luke shows sketches of different armours to Toni.

"You're still stuck on that? And these armours look more like they're for men," Toni comments, looking at the sketches.

"Oh, oops," Luke notices his mistake and smiles wryly.


"You're very interested in AI and programming, even more so than robotics and engineering," Toni observes as she shows Luke parts of the code of Jarvis.

"Yes, AI is a must for a normal person to survive in Marvel," Luke speaks absentmindedly, observing the code seriously.

"Marvel? What do you mean?" Toni asks, puzzled.

"Nothing, nothing. Tell me about this part here, why is it done this way?" Luke asks hurriedly, moving past his blunder.

Toni shakes her head at Luke's quirky behaviour and starts teaching him again.


I give a heartfelt thanks to my new Patreon Supporter! :)


You are Alpha level on Patreon and Tier 1 on Discord now!!


Lucas is an awkward boy, if you do remember his intitial charm stat at the start of the story :P


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